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Skinning models...


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Alright, I recently tried editing some textures on a model. More specifically, I used Kinja's Yoda model and I tried to make it so he could have a gold cloak (don't ask why, I just wanted to see what he would look like :) )


Anyway, I opened the mod up with winzip, took out the yoda body pic, and then edited it.. I then deleted the old pic from the archieve and loaded up the new one.


Well, when I opened the program and chose Yoda, all he was was a little head and a saber floating around... no body...


Did I do something wrong??

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If you used Winzip to 'check out' or open a file directly from there to edit, it will not put it back in the correct path.(model/players/yoda/)


If you are going to continue using winzip for this-

Just extract the entire pk3, change the file, and go back to the base directory (so you see a model & sound & scripst & shaders folder) select them, and rezip then rename to the pk3.

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