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Blaster Pistol...deadliest weapon


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Yeah, it looks craptacular...but...if you use it right..it can be just as deadly as a rocket.


I joined a server and whipped out my blaster pistol and I charged up my blaster pistol.


I'd charge right up to someone with a saber and just stay in front of them...and right when they swing, BAM....killed them. I then charged it up and went up to another, but he just kept swinging randomly, BAM...got him too....I would just to the same thing, if they ran, shoot them in the back, if the attack me, just back up until they swing and shoot.



I got 9 kills in a ROW within 15 seconds. I continued only using the blaster pistol and won the map with 47 kills. 2nd place was 32.



Just run up, they think the blaster pistol is useless then swing. It normally instantly kills them.



Sometimes they just stare at me, not even doing anything, I just wait until the right moment opens up, and when they finally swing, BAM.




It's good in saber fights to, jsut do the normal fight, then whip out your pistol. Normally they are too busy swinging like crazy to notice.

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