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WIP: Return of the Jedi Mod.


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Greeting's Friends.


The time has come to enable the community to enjoy a Modification of the orginal movies. Iam forming a team of Mappers, Skinners, Modelers, Sound Editors, Coders, as well as editors who can work on a few short cut scenes.


The time frame for this mod will be ROTJ, Just as look steps in Jabbas Palace... The idea behind it is to let you play the movie.


As of right now, Musashi (who will be modeling) has signed up on board... I will be contacting and asking certain indivudials and asking if the would like to help out with this project.


If you are saying to yourself... Bah, this will never happen... Think again, We have already begun. Shots will be posted as soon as we can have everyone on our staff ready to work on it.


Again, if you would be willing to help.... Please, leave your Email or MSN or AOL name... And I will contact you.


Thank you,


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Alright guys,


Ive been sending emails and PM's like crazy, and for once I think my hard work paid off! Our team is getting there... We are have been able to reach a Skilled coder (Zeus) Who will be adding our cutscenes, a Modeler (Musashi), and MAUHAUAHHAAH Will be working with me on sound development as well as helping get out webpage live.


However... We need more support! We are still look for quailfied skinners and Mappers. If anyone thinks they can be of service please send myself or any ROTJTC member a pm stating your contact info.





P.S.: Our website will be up soon.

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Yea, what were doing is a total conversion, bascially were just building a new game off of what is already there.


We will have Cut-scenes, New Models, Skins, Maps.. Everything that has to do with Return of the Jedi.... Its gonna be like watching the movie... only you get to live it!


I will be on this thread like crazy so dont worry, We are doing this for the fans... And, I too am I fan... therefore I want this to come as much as all of you. :)



Also, (almost forgot) we will be using voice actors, Iam watching ROTJ like nuts trying to figure out how each voice sounds... from there I will be doing some voice acting, as well as Rob (Mauahah). Im not sure about having auditioins for voice acting, but I do suppose anything is possible! :p


I just uploaded this, I hope it gives you some hype!



Happy Weekend,


Project Director/Sound Editor

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Hello all,

I'm gonna be working on sounds, music, misc. coding (including HTML stuff), some basic modeling, and just about any other misc. task out there for the mod.


If anyone has any models/textures that would help us out, please let us know. A speeder bike, Ewok hut, etc... that type of stuff .


As far as Beta testing, it's gonna be awhile as we have a lot of mapping, modeling, scripting, etc to do, but we will keep everyone in mind.


May the Force be with you.

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