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And now, Tom Servo has been skinned.


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Well here it is:






This is my first attempt at skinning a character model. I know the Librarian and his buddies will say this sucks as well. But hey, that's life. Life's full of nimrods like him. By the way his Anakin Skywalker model sucks ass. Not because of the design, just because that Anakin skywalker sucks ass.


And also, if you people hated my Vampire Hunter D so much, why did you give it a good rating in the first place?


Answer me that.

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Looks good, I mean its no pro, job......But hell its a start. You have more detail in your skin than mine.....lol. I am trying to re-enact most of the tutorials. It works for the most part, but I can seem to get the image to come alive ya know.


Keep it up and you'll be skinning like the greats.

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lol...nice, didnt know you were at this stage of the model already. but if you dont mind making some changes, take a look at this pic of tom servo


click here


the bottom part of the model should be cut in half and made a little wider. and the bowl part of the head could be a bit larger. hope you can look into this, thanks.


*EDIT: had to fix the link to the picture

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Strange that you should use a model-in-progress thread as a launching point for your flames against other forum members.


Staying on topic (that's a hard thing these days), I certainly look forward to the model, especially the wide selection of sounds you will have to choose from, and I am especially glad that you are seriously considering all of the (very) constructive criticism.

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Thank you Emon, these should help as well. And Dredsnott, sorry to use my work-in-progress as a launching point for my flame retaliation. It's just I didn't feel there was any need for a whole new thread for that. That would be kind of pointless.


Anyway Dreddsnot, you were saying you were looking foward to the sounds available for Tom Servo. Well here are some samples of taunts that will be in a pack. Since Dest has found a way to make multiple taunts, I will include these and some more. I also have a falling death sound for him too btw:


Here are some sample taunts:








And here's what I think his falling death sound should be:



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Say Emon, I happen to have a pressure tablet that works with Photoshop 7.0. (I can't get it to work for Paint Shop Pro 7. I'd have to download some plugin or something to make it work.)


Since I have one of these, is there any way of using it on this particular project. I'm not too sure how I'd use this for it. I've only had it for a little while. Any suggestions?


Oh and I'm not only asking Emon, if someone else has an answer as well please let me know. I really need to know if I could make this work. Thanks.

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It hasn't been put ingame yet. I'm still pondering on just how to weight this mesh. I have done a great deal of meditation and thinking over it and I have come to the conclusion that this is gonna be the hardest part of all. I might even have to have a whole new animation for it.


Emon any suggestions? :confused:

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and btw, i dont know if this is even possible to do but if you notice in the show that whenever tom servo moves around his arms flail around, since all they are are springs with some little white gloved hands attached to them. if you could add this effect when he has his lightsaber unlit or when he's holding a weapon with one hand and has the other free, that would be great.

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Couldn't you weight the head and arms like normal, then the entire lower half to the chest or hips? You wouldn't have to weight the legs orr anything. Might have to adjust some things though


Yes I can weight these normally kman. And I believe the lower hover thing could be just weighted to either the hips or the pelvis bone. Of course the hips tend to swing so I'm more setting my vote on weighting the lower parts to the pelvis bone.


This is probably what I will have to do. Thanks for the idea. :)

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Originally posted by VampireHunterD

Don't worry drjimmy515 those taunts will be there as well if Dest can get this multiple taunt mod to work for JK2 like he says.


And by the way, "bite me!" is Crows taunt. :D


Tom does say "bite me" occassionally too though. It would be really awesome to use "Mannix!" or "Gymkata!" as the jumping or landing sound, but it would eventually get annoying I suppose. ;)


Good luck w/ the weighting n stuff.

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