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Luke ROTJ Saber hilt WIP


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Sorry to say, but that looks to skinny the ring under the emiter is too small make it a little bit bigger. I dont see nothing worng with the models that are out there already out there, just cant see the activator button. and is it ok to go over the 1000 poly count? to say 1990?


edit - forget about it... i changed it to be nicer. ya happy kids?

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Dude you are a real di*k man. I am trying to get other peoples opinions and you come in here, say your model is better then man then expect me to help you, get someone else to help you, i said criticism(which being too skinny was) but saying your model was better that is just an insult, now i am trying to get other peoples opinions and you say well i already know what it looks like as if this thread was exclusive to you just becasue no one else has posted in it, that is why i posted "well what does everyone else think?" you seem to be like this in everyone of the threads you post in man, it doesnt seem very many people like you and you know what i am not liking you very much right now either. So what does everybody else think :)

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dude, i HAD a model, i said "+ i think mine looked better" so how is that insulting, i was showing my opinion:OP and another thing, i bet you are no taller then 5'10'' with blonde hair, you got kind of a prissy attitude, you take karate, and .... you are 15 but you look 10. am i right?


edit - fact: your model is SKINNY

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Ok well right i acknowledge you had a model, that wasnt released, people have models all the time that arent released that doesnt give you some special precident over mine. I thank you for telling me that it was skinny as i said it was criticism and that was the constructive kind.And i also realize that not everoyne will like my lightsaber, that everyone has there own opinions and i am sure if someone does nt like my saber they will say something like "i dont really like it because...". Now you insulted me by saying outright that your's was better, i mean just "it looks skinny mine is better" that was it. I consider taht an insult ( not the skinny part that is criticism) and i am sure if that was the first post you got you would feel somewhat insulted too, know i am not even gonna comment on the personal attack you made which was extremly immature. Oh and i would really like to hear from some other people this hs gotten really off track so what do some other people think about my model, remember to copy paste the link.

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Well, i can see why lyger is pissed. So would you after no one helping you and telling you you're a noob when you ask a decent question. Can anyoen actually answer, is there aw ay to make the poly coutn go over 1000?

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The model looks fine. It was a little thin but just put a skin on that baby and get it in-game and you should be good to go.


Lyger, yes of course you can go over 1000 polys when modeling a saber. The question is, why would you need to make a 2000 poly saber? You'll only be making the game unplayable for those with low-end machines. That's why it's a rule-of-thumb to keep it below 1000, it won't crash your machine like 1000 vertices will.


And Mr. Blonde, don't pay too much attention to Lyger's criticism, he only just started modeling after being told he needed to - because he was being difficult with veteran modelers.


And terminator, the reason why everyone is being so "mean" to Lyger is because all he's done up to this point is harshly criticize other people's work when he himself has nothing to show for.

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Originally posted by -Chrono_MOT-

blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah



didnt quite get that, what did you say?

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Originally posted by -=|Lyger|=-



didnt quite get that, what did you say?




Do I need to say that louder again or do you want to continue to be a smart ass?

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