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ROTJ TC Teaser


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Your sites will be added to my favorites in the Great Mods In Progress section. :)

I really wish I could help mod makers like you guys, but I'm afraid all I can offer is support. :( I'll do what I can with that though. :D And maybe become a great hilt modeler. ^_^


have you ever seen so many damn smilies in a post before? :-|

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cROsiS**, I would like to help you and your team develop this mod. Not only do I own my own record label (Paradice Records), I have done many voices in audio cut-scenes I have done. I have been known to do a really good "Movie Trailer voice guy" impression, if you are going to make a real trailer for your TC, I can do a good Jabba the hut, Watto, probably a good Han Solo, and probably many others I cant think of right now. If you would like me to send you some of my previous work, contact me at jaybiggspr@hotmail.com .



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