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New Yoda With Correct scaling for SP!!!

Wei St Paliv

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Hi, I started work on modifying the Team Yoda Yoda Model tonight. So far I have ever so slightly re-skinned the face so it looks exactly like Yoda from Episode 2. I added a bottom lip, which the model never had and also decreased the pupil size. I slightly recolored the cloak too. I have scaled him down and added him to the NPC Spawn list. So I can spawn him in SP Mode, which is fun to have Yoda(s) running around helping you. There is only 1 Problem with my Model, he don't use a lightsaber!


Is there anyone out there who can show me how to make him use a light saber from as soon as you spawn him?


I have a few screens of my work so far:



(Copy and Paste the URL into Browser Please!)


I would like to stress I will not release this if Team Yoda don't want me to, but I would still appriaciate peoples help with giving NPC's weapons that they stick to. Eg, Luke uses Saber only! I would like Yoda to use Saber only.

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What? What is so funny?


If this has been done before, sorry. I don't check this forums constantly. As far as I know the Yoda release doesnt work in SP, but mine does!


But I would really like to know how to give him a weapon so he spawns with it from npc spawn command, so I can do a Level with Yoda in it.

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ok ok ok! as far as i know, i'm the only person working on a mod for it right now, so look at the post: WIP: Single Player Yoda and post there for this stuff. You can also dld the mod i made that ads the yoda NPC.


i'm still working on allowing you to play as yoda and at the correct height. so far, i've been able to play as yoda with no problems, except that hes 6 feet tall.


i'm working on this now, so if you have any comments about the NPC yoda or PA yoda (Play As yoda) then go to the WIP: Single Player Yoda thread.

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So far I have ever so slightly re-skinned the face so it looks exactly like Yoda from Episode 2.





Team Yoda's Model: Looks a little stoned


Why do people hold the whole team responsible for the skin?

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