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hey y'all! i've just stumbled across this here forum, so, hiya :)


i'm having trouble viewing the .avi of the full throttle 2 trailer. i only get sound :( i've tried wmp8 and qt6.


(edit - i've just actually read the info on the download page... 's ok now...)

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ow yeh, that was my other question - what does keith karloff mean by this?


Ben Whatsisname: There are rumors of a sequel to Full Throttle. Now, I know the strict rules of non-disclosure as far as LucasArts is concerned, so I won't ask loaded questions like "Are you guys doing the music for the sequel", but rather a more open variant of "If they made a sequel and approached you for the soundtrack, would you do it?"


Keith Karloff: LucasArts would never approach us for a sequel which is too bad for them - I could slam "Blue Pyramid" (or anything else I've got up my sleeve) into a sequel tomorrow for them and guarantee that it would do more damage than "Bone To Pick" did with 'F.T.".

Have a look at their movies and see how frequently they use actors more than once, even if they deliver big time a la Harrison Ford. This policy does not stem from their desire to discover and promote new talent - of this, I can assure you.

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It's not "sour grapes" for FT2, but rather from FT1 - The Gone Jackals' contract with LucasArts was a business deal. Plain and simple. Sometimes business deals work out great for both parties, sometimes they don't. What Keith was talking about is that their deal with LucasArts fell into the catagory of "a good deal....but not a GREAT deal", thus "souring their grapes".

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i just wondered what he meant about it 'doing more damage' (or is that just his way of saying it'd be better? :) ).


i also wondered what he meant in the second paragraph,


Have a look at their movies and see how frequently they use actors more than once, even if they deliver big time a la Harrison Ford. This policy does not stem from their desire to discover and promote new talent - of this, I can assure you


is he just saying that lucasarts are cheap? :)

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Originally posted by Kieron

i just wondered what he meant about it 'doing more damage' (or is that just his way of saying it'd be better? :) ).


i also wondered what he meant in the second paragraph,


is he just saying that lucasarts are cheap? :)


Yes - to bikers, "doing more damage" means "doing better".


As far as the second paragraph, that seems to be just his opinion. LEC re-uses many voice actors, including Mark "Luke Skywalker" Hamill (who voiced multiple roles in FT, btw). Most of the time, this is done either out of sheer need (Padme, being post-pubecent in Episode 1 didn't change much, but Anakin needed to age rapidly so he could turn his crush on her into love, ergo the actor who played Anakin in Episode I couldn't be re-cast) and goodness knows John Williams has a contract written in blood tucked away in George's top desk drawer.


No, I think Keith's point is valid as far as "live bands". (Sorry, Mr. Land - not saying you or the others are dead. LOL) With the time lapse between Throttles and LEC/Lucasfilm/etc always looking for fresh talent, the odds of a new "up and coming" band or current well-known artists (like Hollywood does for movie soundtracks) getting signed are pretty high.


All in all, LEC is a business and Gone Jackals/Blueblack Records is a business. Each party is familiar with the Entertainment industry and his answer to my question was grounded on his point of view as an artist/businessman.

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