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Garrisons, Yes or No?

Guest Thrawn

Should you be able to garrison buildings?  

24 members have voted

  1. 1. Should you be able to garrison buildings?

    • Yes! It would be so cool!
    • No! That would be stupid and ruin the game!
    • I don't know. . .

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I think that you definately should be able to garrison buildings like in RA2. It would make it much better. Hopefully they will include it in the game. :D

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Yes, definately! They should do it like in RA2 where you could garrison any civilian building, AND like in AOK where you can garrison defenses to make them more powerfull.

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Guest Gamma732

Garrisoning in RA2 was a great feature. RA2 is the only RTS I've played thats done it like that with the civilian buildings and all...yeah, I know I probably missed some great RTS that does that but...Anyway, I think it'd be a great addition to the game. The urban warefare in RA2 was an especially fun part of the game for me.

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Originally posted by Darth_Rommel

I don't have the game so... whats so special 'bout urban warfare?


Imagine an Enemy base in an Urban environment...there are buildings surrounding it...you have you stike force ready...you move in to attack...all the sudden a firefight erupts all around you. You look around and find that most of the buildings are occupied by enemy forces and they a massacring you force. You will either have to retreat, Fight on with the possibility of that force bing wiped out. if the force wasn't wiped out they would then have to face the regular base defenses which are anything but pushovers. So the Urban Warfair is awesome because you can post men inside ANY civilian structure EXCEPT a few unique structures. Once inside the troops will have loads more armor and loads more concentrated firepower. It is a great counter to the Tank Rush:D

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Originally posted by Darth_Rommel

I don't have the game so... whats so special 'bout urban warfare?


You can garrison troops inside buildings, and when you do they have greater range and don't take damage until the building enters the "red zone" of damage. So, garrisoning buildings is very important, and there are many fun strategies to use with them.

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Guest xwing guy

Yes this will be implemented in the game I'm pretty sure of it. If they didn't put it in it wouldn't keep me from buying the game, it just wouldn't be as fun.

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Guest die rebel scum

I myself said yes, I am the MASTER of all stradegy games. so far no game has been able to challange my tactical skill I hope this will be different I will own people in Gb including some of u posting on this thread oh and by the way good bye

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Guest Darth_Venage

Not only do I think that garrison will be in the game, it will make it much cooler. The only thing I didn't like bout garrison in AoK(i dont have RA2) was the flag that told the world you had something inside the buidling(or, in cas of AOK:TC, in that ram)

But oh well we'll see!

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