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gtk question


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where exactly does GtkRadiant search for the definition files? my entitiy list is incomplete, likely because of this


i fixed it before by pasting the .defs everywhere i thought the program would look for them hehe - although that produced some side effects like haveing entities being listed twice (so my npc drop-down menu only went to npc_imperial)


also, is there a way around the npc drop-down list not scrolling? i dont want to run in 1280 res to put ents in my map


other than that, i love GTK, and dont see myself going back to jk2radiant anytime soon





my ? if ya forgot hehe: Where exactly does GtkRadiant search for the definition files?


PS: oh yeah BTW Emon: dont tell me im dumb and installed it wrong!

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um, yeah, npcs arent listed even in the entity window

i got the .defs in gamedata/base/scripts


*sigh* **** this hasnt been my day. very very bad dreams keeping me up, gotta go ****ing load boxes tonite, gtk crashing with textures loading too. maybe im not supposed to map for q3 engine games.

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I'm telling you to use the entity window because there AREN'T other ways unless you change your resolution.


My list only goes down to NPC_Rebel, and I want to add NPC_spawner. So first I add the NPC_Rebel, hit N, and change the key of classname from NPC_Rebel to NPC_spawner and hit enter. I then close the entity window by hitting N and I have an NPC_spawner in GTKRadiant.

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actually, a coupla other classes werent there either; and it aint the .def file itself, i even looked thru it to see if the entities were actually there


hehe anyway, now i went back to check, and now: every entity is listed 3 times! :confused:

i got a screenshot of it, but not sure how/where to post

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I'm using JK2Radiant and for some reason JediF isnt showing up on the npc list.


I have left SPentitys.def in the default place: C:\Games\JediKnight2\GameData\Tools\SP_entities.def


Radiant knows were to find it. It points to: C:\GAMES\JEDIKN~1\GAMEDATA\\TOOLS\SP_entities.def


What is wrong here?

(And before Emon starts again: I know you can get her other ways in theory.

I just want her in the god damn menu, its simpler.)


O wait a minute...the weirdness begins. As Idont said she isnt in the .def file.

Hmm aparetnly this doesnt work anythign like what i expected.


...ok. but I remember that a while ago when i first instaled Radiant (and screwed it up) that JediF WAS in the list but that when you picked her the entity box it made was the wrong size and when you hit N there words Not Found in Source

apeared in the widow...:confused:


I'm tired...I feel like my posts are kinda rambling and confused...

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If the JediF isn't in the list, you could try duplicating the Jedi and giving it the new name JediF and maybe it'll work. The updated one from Raven also might have it, as it adds some more NPC entities for NPCs that don't even exist!

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Originally posted by Emon

Delete Radiant and all the DEF files and reinstall it. Make sure it's installed to your GameData folder.


did it; still no NPCs being listed in the drop down menu OR the entity window. i busted open the sp_entities.def, and NPCs are in there; i did also switch to MP mode to see if maybe the .defs are backwards; nope, no npcs anywhere


the latest install:

GTK core: d:/gamesnt/jedi outcast/gamedata/Radiant

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First off the fun things, i just discovered that if you spawn in a Howler npc

it is in fact a stormtrooper which uses minemonster type AI.

(it doesnt need waypoints to move!) he has no gun but uses the melee "weapon". that is basicaly irrelivent but i found in interesting :)


Originally posted by Emon

If the JediF isn't in the list, you could try duplicating the Jedi and giving it the new name JediF and maybe it'll work. The updated one from Raven also might have it, as it adds some more NPC entities for NPCs that don't even exist!


Hmm. you meen to duplicate and rename the entry in the .def file?

could try that...


Ok i installed the new .def file. interesting the NPC_****** entry has

disapeared from the menu, though of course the spawner one has apeared.

Odder still the JediF has showup in the menu though she is still broken...

choosing her from that menu option results in a entity box smaller than one for an ammo item...


I tried just changing the classname tag of another npc to NPC_JediF

but if i add her to a map when i load it in the game she doesnt

apear and the console says "NPC_JediF does not have a spawn function."

If i then load the map back up the box representing here is realy tiny...

and the 'N' menu says "Not found in source" in the area that normaly

tells you what the options are.

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