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General Carlist Rieekan skin


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Skin I started using the Luke model. Criticism and help WANTED!

I could use some criticism to make him look more like the guy. I think one thing that needs to be done is slump his eyes a bit....but sadly I can't really do that with the Luke model:mad:


I couldn't get a custom site to work...so I had to settle for the crappy one that was already set up....sry for the small pics :( .

General Rieekan - Face

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forgive the smallness of the pictionalations!




grrr...if anyone else uses geocities for their page...and uses the lil tools things to upload their pics...HOW do you do it.

Every time I upload a picture...it closes out and nuttin happens.

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I luv drawing.....I just don't think I meet the standards I hold myself to at skinning. I look at the Haplashs and Kinjas modeling and stuff...and I sigh...and pant...and weep....and then I go mess up a model of my own!

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As do we all,... As an artist, you look apon an others work and yurn to do as well, at the same time they're looking at someone else's with the same feelings, and perhaps someone is looking at you too,...


That's the problem with being an artist, no matter how good you are, there will always be someone out there who you feel is better than you. That's one of the reasons feedback is so important. Everyone needs to be told how they're doing, no matter how good they may or may not be.



To be honest I thought the direction your skin was taking was looking pretty good. It could use more work, but all things do when they first start out. When I'm working on a skin, I can take several weeks to get it to look just right, and I will often go back and change things I had already been happy with. I think this skin has a lot of potential. I would have posted sooner as well, but I've been having trouble accessing the forums lately.

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how true....how true.....heh


yeah the forums have been messed up lately for me as well:( .


Oh well....I d/led a free modeling program...I was gonna try and see if I could ever figure out how to model :D .

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