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TOTALLY innapropriate, KMan


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EDIT - Please see http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=73616 before reading this thread, as this is a continuation of that thread.




You dont' close threads simply because they criticize you, especially when that criticism is totally warranted.


Not only did you not apologize for your favoritism, you're now denying it.


"And I'm the one who thinks that Kinja's ideas are better than others posting for mod requests. That's more than enough reason for me not to close this."


Followed later, in the same thread by:


"This is final. I was not picking favorites, and I was not closing peoples threads because I did not like them. "


Go look up Favoritism in the dictionary, because you clearly don't understand what it means.


Everyone is entitled to mistakes, but you are compounding yours by denying them, and trying to keep people from discussing it.

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ok...theoritically the idea of "free speech" doesn't exist here. To keep people in line, and keeping manners and conduct in check you have to implament rules and regulations. Now there will always be people, WHO get the royalty treatment wether you like it or not, its just the way of life.


Remmeber its not What you know, But who you know. so i guess what i am saying is, YES, kman did something wrong, but its a fact of life, and **** goes on.


As far as closing the thread, he's the moderator, and remmeber FREE SPEECH doesn't exist here.

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It's not a modelling related thread, but it's a Modelling Forum related thread. If someone raises concerns about the way the forum is being run, closing the thread is NOT what you do. Anyone with real moderating skills knows this. Even if you're not trying to keep people from discussing it, you're giving the impression that that is what you're doing. As a moderator, you should understand that you not only can't do innapropriate things, you can't have the appearance of doing innappropriate things. If you had said "You're right, I shouldn't have allowed that, it was favoritism" and THEN closed the thread, you'd get no complaints from me. But if you can't admit to your mistakes then you need to think about whether you should continue to be a moderator here.


You keep deleting threads, I'll keep posting them until you either admit you're wrong, or you are removed by JKII.net/LucasForums staff. If you want me banned, you'll have to go to them anyway, and I don't think they will appreciate what you're doing.


I realize this thread is disruptive, and for that I apologize to the people who come here to discuss modelling, but while this problem exists, it makes it difficult to continue as a normal community anyway.

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If you realized that this was disruptive then why did you continue posting? Just so you could prove that you are right? Well, I don't have to admit to anything, but to prove that I am the better man, and to get you off of my back, I will say that I was wrong. I was playing favorites. Kinja is my ultimatest favoritest person in the whole wide world. Golly! :rolleyes:


There, I said it. Now why don't you go do something that is actually productive.

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Man this forum has spiraled down to nothing. All it is now is just one big arena for you guys. :(



*Our special broadcast today is Kman vs. Forum Community!Only the strongest shall survive! Who do you think will win? Kman or the Community? PLACE YOUR BETS NOW BEFORE TIMES OUT!*


*In left hand corner, along with his moderating skillz, it's Kman@polycount! And the right hand corner, with their angry expressions and several threads ready to strike, it's the Community!*



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This isn't about me being right. This is about you being wrong. You honestly don't beleive you were wrong about the favoritism, and you don't beleive you're wrong about closing threads that criticize you. Thus the threads will continue. You can't rule this forum with an iron fist just because someone made the mistake of making you a moderator.


An insincere apology isn't going to cut it. You can't just crap on this community and go about your business.

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i need to get this in before the all frickin power fricking full k fricking man closes this thread on one of his power trips








Kman gives more respect to the better modelers than he does to the new comers and frequent posters he vallues kinja and his crew more than those at the return of the jedi mod he is unfair and needs to be impeached before he closes this forum he let the yoda thread go on for weeks with no udate on any other thread he would have closed it in a heart bbeat in other words







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Why should everyone leave these forums just because KMan isn't a good moderator? Wouldn't it be better if that were changed instead? These threads are in response to innapropriate action KMan has performed on these forums, thus they are appropriate here.


If you feel that moderators should be given unilateral control and then abuse it, that's your business, Lime-Light. I personally think that's wrong, and I'm obviously not the only one.

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*Okay now back to the match at hand! Where the hell is kman to keep this match going? This was something that was actually keeping me out of boredom for a while. Come on kman! Get your self into the arena and LET'S GET IT ON!!!* :D


*I'm gonna head over to editormg's new concession stand while we're waiting. What else you got in there editor? lol* :D

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I'm digging my own grave, but so be it. I agree with BradFu. I think KMan is being too irconhanded here, and should lighten up alittle. I find myself liking these forums less and less everyday, because so many threads are dleted or closed for no real reason.

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