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Windows 2000 trouble


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I don't know if this even works on Windows 2000. I am not sure if the problem is even related to that. Here it is:

Every time I try to play the game and click the Play Grim Fandango button, a diologue box comes up telling me that I need to install Direct X. When I click install it only gives me the option to reinstall, which I do. However after I do, the same window keeps coming up and there is no way to get around it. I have installed the newest version of Direct X, and still it does it. I thought I found a workaround by opening the game from the program in the Grim folder, but after a few minutes the game crashes. WHAT IS THE DEAL!!!!! Anyone else know of what this could be. PLEASE HELP!!!!


Sobeone Out.

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First of all, welcome to the forums.


Windows 2000 has problems across the board. Personally, I wouldn't touch it with a ten-foot pole. What kind of video card do you have? Win2k has issues with a lot of hardware and the drivers for them. Maybe downloading the latest Win2k for your hardware would help.

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