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The Manticore is a vicious creature which its origins lie within Asia. The Manticore is a lion like creature that's head has some human likeness; it has a tail which is sometimes depicted as a tail of a scorpion or a tail that fires poisonous darts. The Manticore sometimes is depicted having leathery wings. In Asia where the creature stalks through the forests in search of humans, it attacks first by using poison to render the victim immobile so that it then can devour the bones, clothes, possessions the lot, so the Manticore leaves no trace of the victim. There are other descriptions of Manticore that don't fit the above patterns and that is that Manticore move around in prides and they kill for the sake of killing and leave there pray behind to be found.

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The Chinese Death Fish are even amphibious meaning they can get out on land for a while. Think of it as a really angry Pirana that has the ability to get at you on land as well.


The story is a long time ago some settlers or something brought them over from China for like some type of soup. (Or at least that's what I think it was)


*EDIT*- I bet some people who didn't know what they were doing or just couldn't handle them didn't die an easy death. (if anyone's ever been killed by one. or many for that matter.)

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Ooh, I just heard about the Chinese Death Fish recently, except I think they were referring to it as the Snake Headed Fish. I think they were saying that people had them as pets, but they've slowly worked their way into the eco-system and are starting to disrupt it. I guess they're some sort of super-predator that most aquatic life can't stand up against so if they continue to spread, it might screw up the North American eco-system badly. Scary creatures :) Here it is: http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn?pagename=article&node=&contentId=A52395-2002Jun26&notFound=true


Run for the hills!!!!

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Oh by the way, I hear they're also very tasty (Seriously!)


Yes I've heard that as well. They were brought over to be soup you know. And by the way that article you showed me I just finished reading that one before it was even posted here. I guess we were looking for the same thing. lol.


I've only seen one once. I personally hate the Chinese Death Fish.

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This article states that they were immigrated by unknown means from China. Now I'm sure for a fact that it was b/c of some idiots who brought them over here just because they make good soup.


I don't care how good they are, how well of a soup they turn out to be, or any other fact saying they're good. They are not good. They are extremely mean as hell and are truly vicous critters in nature. If you see one, I recommend this:




There I think that covers the story on Chinese Death Fish unless someone has something else they want to present for show and tell. :)

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Well, as I stated earlier in my now dead TC Mod thread. I saw and got a signed picture by Aurra Sing. I said ayala Sacure or whatever her name is earlier but I meant Sing:) I also so the man who played the mighty Chewbacca, now that was cool:D I saw them at the San Diego Comicon BTW.

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