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Reflecting Floors in SP


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In the Demo of JKII we saw a lot of reflecting flooring (like in the hangar), but it was taken out from the actual game, and the only mirror we see is the one on the final yavin level.


Has anyone managed to modify the SP levels to feature reflective surfaces? I think it would be really cool!


If no one has done it, there's a challenge for you, and I'll be first to download that modification.


Thank you for your time

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Well, it would be pretty tricky, since shaders are global, and if you applied it to one floor texture it would be applied to everything (even where it shouldn't be), so you can't, really. You can't really modify the SP levels without a BSP decompiler, and you loose all lighting and curve info when doing that.


It's really not worth the effort.

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You could just modify the shaders for the particular floor textures, couldn't you? I'm not sure on how this effect was handled by the engine though, so it may not be one of the shader variables. You'd need to check up on that.

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