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Battle of Hoth


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I am starting on a map thats of the battle of hoth...and well its going to be about... the battle of hoth. I was wondering if anyone had any ideas of suggestions ill have pictures up sometime.. so in the meantime thoughts questions or anybody know of any prefabs or 3dos for this maps or know oof any good textures or anyone willing to do custom textures feel welcome to... aim msn or icq me if you feel you really need to... thx...

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Yeah I was thinking of doing one along those lines in the future. There are AT-ST models already built in to the game. And now there are AT-AT and snowspeeder pre-fabs, but that's all I've seen in the way of models and prefabs for hoth. Good luck!



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I would like to be apart of this Hoth map of yours if you intend on making it the "****" -- ownage everywhere.



I generated 3 textures for you using Bryce 5, if you like them I will make some more.


Snow Textures:






Wall Textures:




My msn/e-mail is: jmrios_9@hotmail.com

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Originally posted by ZBomber

Can"t wait! how about a wampa cave?

Um i think that would be pretty cool humm.. mabey we can even have his roar in there when you walk in... but were not focusing on the outside part but there will be an outside where focusing on when darth vader and the empire just got in and invaded. i am thinking about even doing a SP version later when i learn to...

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I guess that was stupid on my part thx that picture is great... ive seen a lot of great pictures and one of the people working with me made a map but if anyone actualy has a really map of this base or is willing to spend time for us to take all the pictures you can, and compile an exact map with the shape of halls the placement of ships and such you will be put in the crdits for compilin the maplayout... thx much

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Try talking to Earl Dalton. He might be interested in working on a Hoth project. Besides being project leader, he was also doing the Echo Base level for us on the SW Trilogy TC for MotS. The guy does AMAZING work, virtually movie-perfect recreations, that are also very playable. I think he released the WIP of Mos Eisley he was also doing for the TC over at Massassi, now that we're officially a defunct project; you can check out his stuff and get his contact info.

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Originally posted by TheDeathBringer

i just though of a great idea what if this map was so big that we actualy had the battle area outside and the echo base inside this could be like while the battle was going on for mp, but no battle really going on out side you get me?


I was thinking of having the main base, plus outside. The outside would have the guns and the trenches that players would be able to reach. But they wouldn't be able to go further than the trenches. A nice sky box would make a great view of the mountain/snow terrain. Players would also be able to reach the shield generator (perfect before the empire blows it up) on the outside. And maybe a wampa cave they can reach in the distant corner of the outside.

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