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WIP: Kit Fitso Sabre Hilt

Master Shawn

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Originally posted by Master Shawn

and Adi Gallia

w00t, now we'll have one of the more common sabers! :D


have these been made by anyone?


http://www.thelightsaber.com/WorkFolder/SmallSFW/Training2GreenSM.jpg (skin of the above)

http://www.thelightsaber.com/WorkFolder/SmallSFW/AalyaSecura5SM.jpg (multiple people use this one)

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Shawn, that looks great and all, but its a lightsaber that is 1/10th the height of the player (roughly). That said, you could probably figure that lightsabers should have 1/10th the amount of polygons that the players do. 3000 polies in a player model and 1800 in your lightsaber. That is a little too high. You can keep all the notches in your saber but reduce the cylinders to 8-sided and you would save so many polies.


With the sabers being so small, theres no reason to use such high poly cylinders.


Trust me on that.

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I know, but if your comptuer can handle a 3000 poly player model it surely can handle a 1800 sabre. I just like making my sabres very detailed, and to do that I need to make some stuff have more polys so that I can form it into the shape I want, it also makes my job about 20 times easier.

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