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A thought on walls


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Since both EAsy Gen and Gensurf have given me nothing but headaches for past 4-5 weeks, I have come to the descision NOT to have pregenerated terrain in my level.


To still have an organic effect, I am going to do something similar to the tunnels in RTCW's Underground Rocket Base. These are half built, and usually have natural rock walls or celilings in certain areas.


My question is.... Do I use a patch mesh to create this effect?

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you can make a bit but making a floor 2 walls with a open roof then u can bevral some brushes and put them on the bottom of the pit on the edages so it gives a round effect.

then make some rock type brushe by clipping and streching and place them on walls and floor to look like loose rock

it will look good :)

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Hmmmm.... i usually post clearer after work late, so let me rephrase my entire question, for I seem to have goofed.... I'll do this Dungeons and Dragon's style..lol


Dungeon Master : You step off an elevator in what appears to be a long hallway. The walls to the left, top and floor seem to be made of some metalic compound, while the right wall seems to be rock.


Gandalf the Elf : Blimey, why did this lot leave the right side of the hallway rock.



Does this make it any clearer???:)

I just want to know for this effect, could a patch mesh be used instead of manipulating brushes for days...

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