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Who am i?


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After reading your respnces to my metal gear solid thread, i was on the internet and found this..after reading this i felt upset, confused, shocked, and afraid. I began to question myself for who i am really.


if u want to read this, and ill understand if u dont, go here.

u may begin to question yourself and what u are doing in life



tell me how u feel after reading this, and what r ur reactions

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wah! wah! My daddy hugged me too much when I was a kid!!


I ascribe to the Dennis Leary therapy:

"Shut the **** up!!"


Here's testimony from one patient:

"He just told me to shut the **** up. No one else had ever told me to shut the **** up before. I feel so much better."

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Hmmm.....nope, never had any problem with this whatsoever.


I've always tried to be my own person, and for the most part i am. I'm not restricted by "pop culture", and frankly hate it, and what it does to other people, particuarly some of my friends. The fact is, most kids simply do not even want to be themselves, they only want to be what everyone else is, or what famous people are.


I'm not agreeing with the author of that article, because the vast majority of people simply would not, and do not do that over a television show. They may have a phase of being obsessed with it, but it passes. However, what does concern me is what he referred to as "pop culture." Ever find yourself buying this brand of clothes instead of that brand simply because someone else had it, or a singer or movie star did? Ever find yourself doing something that may not be something you really like just because everyone else is? Ever find yourself breaking the law, even in a minor way, because you can, or because your friends are doing it too? I don't normally, but i have seen countless teenagers that do.


Thats the problem with todays society, no one can be themselves, or so they are taught. You can't fit in at school unless you wear these clothes or do thing, and too many times its true, i should know, i go to a gigantic high school. All this despite the fact that the world would be much more interesting and diverse if everyone simply were themselves, that is, if everyone could accept others for their differences of taste. Which is truly another issue entirely.


And don't think that this is a problem of "our generation" clefo, because it certainly is not. This has been happenning for a very long time, since the fall of man, i guess.


Now, saying all that, this really has little impact on the grand scheme of things. Most people grow out of the culture and learn, or are forced, to decide for themselves. It can, and does, have a large impact on many teenagers, and sometimes that carries into adulthood. But i think the vast majority of people simply mature out of it. Don't get me wrong though, don't think that grown women don't buy something simply because they want to look like the model in the magazine, or that men don't get new tools and watch football just so they can fit into the role of "macho man," because they do. But the fundamental difference is that it doesn't have the impact on adults as it does on kids. Kids can sometimes be physcologically damage because of this very thing (see columbine), and not "having any friends" can be devestating to a kid. Adults, on the flip side, don't feel the pressure to mold the culture to have friends, and there dependence on friends and their social life in general doesn't play as great a role. Of course, everyone of every age wants friends, but if i had to say who needed them, i'd say kids every time.


Everyone should be themselves, both kids and adults. They easiest way to do that, in my opinion, is just to not care what other people think. Easier said than done, i know. But if you really want to be yourself, do what pleases only yourself (and maybe your parents and the law), and never do anything simply to gain the approval others. If you be yourself, some people won't like you, but those aren't the people you really want as your friends anyway.



Wheww! Maybe i thought about it too much.....but i'm really passionate about not bending to the culture. Oh well.

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yeah, ur right tie guy.

ive always been myself, u could ask the kids that i talk to, but its kind of scary.

many people dont know that they fashion themselve after others and dont create there own "self".

An individual can do many things if given the chance and not trying to be someone else.

remember, ur different no to people are alike.

every person is special in their own kind of way, whether u are intelligent or not.


My brother is very intelligent, but he is still learning things from me and me him.


(im bringing this back so i can learn of other reactions)

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