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Want New Npc Spawns Without Replacing Old Ones?


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To make simple. Jedi need to be classified as Jedi. Yoda should be called "jediyoda", Anakin Skywalker should be called, "jedianakin", or like Mara Jade be called, "jedimara". The Dark Jedi should be classified as Reborn. Like Darth Vader called, "rebornvader", Darth Maul called, "rebornmaul, or Count Dooku as "reborndooku". What you want to call them is up to you as long as the "JEDI" or "REBORN" is in their npc name. That's for the NPCS.CFG file. Then the folder that contains the modelings parts needs to be have the same names. Make sure you zip them into pk3 files properly. If this isn't done correctly, you may experience your characters using an invisible blaster, or the lightsaber hanging just below their crouch, turns on and they swing their lightsaber through their back causing many glitches.


Here are a couple of examples.


For my Yoda model I filled out his NPC data in the NPCS.cfg file as...




fullName "Yoda"

playerModel jediyoda

saberColor green

rank captain

reactions 5

aim 5

move 5

aggression 5

evasion 5

intelligence 5

hfov 180

vfov 180

scale 40

playerTeam player

enemyTeam enemy

class luke

yawSpeed 800

walkSpeed 70

runSpeed 220

// race human

snd yoda

sndcombat yoda

sndjedi yoda

health 5000

dismemberProbHead 10

dismemberProbArms 10

dismemberProbLegs 10

dismemberProbHands 10

dismemberProbWaist 10



As for Darth Vader I filled it out as...




fullName "Vader, Darth"

playerModel rebornvader

saberColor red

rank captain

reactions 5

aim 5

move 5

aggression 5

evasion 5

intelligence 5

hfov 180

vfov 180

scale 122

playerTeam enemy

enemyTeam player

// race human

class desann

yawSpeed 600

walkSpeed 60

runSpeed 200

snd vader

sndcombat vader

sndjedi vader

health 1500

dismemberProbHead 100

dismemberProbArms 100

dismemberProbLegs 100

dismemberProbHands 100

dismemberProbWaist 100



Any questions? Notice in the playerModel part, it says "jediyoda" and "rebornvader"? In the sound section it didn't matter. It could be called "yoda", or "vader". As long as the sound files folder is called that. Match it properly. The scaleing to make their height as close as possible.

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My goodness people. I've read some of the so called tutorials and can see why it would confuse people. Then I thought I would try to simplify it for those who may be confused. So if you understand how all this works, then just keep your mouth shut.

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Here's a message for Emon:


Now I can't read all of your posts, but I seem to notice that you like to repond to people's questions by saying, "Read my tutorial, read my tutorial", instead of just answering the darn question. Why? Why do you have to be so darn arrogant? Protending you are the "GOD" of this board!

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Because people never actually READ it. They say they read it, but they never do. How do I know? Because my tutorial is very clear that the NPC should be named something like JediRodian for example, then people post their NPC entries and it is labled Rodian (or something without the Jedi on it, for example). Stuff like that does not happen when you read carefully. Many people have followed my tutorial just fine and have had no problems. So if other people are having problems with it and are posting stuff like that, it's obvious they did not read it.

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