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Twisted Vertex

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Ok so I am playing around with the assimalte program, and attempting to assimalte Mr. jabba here. I took care a lot of the errors it spat at me. Like certain verts not having weight, or bones not being found. I think i am down to the last error. I am not quite sure how to take care of this one. It takes about a non-uniform scale, but the bones are the same number width and height. Its not a problem with the fins, becasue the foream and the gut bone, don't have fins.




Well, I no the possiblites of getting job to work at slim to none, but i want interaction with him as best as possible. If anybody has an information to put forward that would be a BIG help, thank you very much.

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heh. you're not getting me mad. you're just proving to the world what a pathetic bastard you really are. 25? you sure don't act like it, you must be some drunk redneck college ******* in need of entertainment...I know if I was married (which I'm 21, so marriage is a ways off for me) I wouldn't be wasting my time posting **** in a forum to get people pissed off.


I suggest you find something else to do with your time, because one day you might piss off the wrong person.

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Thats why I chose this name to be like Kman and be respectful. It was all just supposed to be fun! Hell I'm not even the very first Tru_weed_smoka. I just thought it was funny and brought a little life to these forums. I guess I do this because I'm pissed off at the world because I've been out of work for two months now and have done everything I can to get a job. So unfortunately Iam far away from my home and am an I new place and am extremely bored out of my mind. My wife works nights so I have nothing better to do. I've been married since I was twenty so I have forgoten how to make new friends not that I would want to with all the trash down here but thats besides the point. Now you've seen what motivates me. I can go on about a hell of a lot more but no need for that.

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heh, then it wouldn't surprise you that I practice amateur psychology? no one understands the human mind better than me, so mind games are useless.


Have you ever thought about just trying to get back in touch with your wife, instead of alienating yourself? Ain't that hard.


On a second note, making friends is as easy as going up to someone and saying "hey".

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Im not asking for pitty or anything but you know I've definately fill sick when I go outside now. I just dont want to. I've change so much in the last two months its unbelivable. Its almost like I have two identies. I have done things for this community just under another name but then theres a side of me that feels the need to do this. Im sorry for ruining your thread. And no spelling has never been my strong suit.

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Hey man, now everyone can be a ************ I mean cmon being a ************ is so damn hard.



Listen, Get back to talking about jabba, and if you got ballz dont say **************** You *** ** ** ***** I *** ******* YOU just ******* Cause im ** you ***** *** ** ALRIGHT. NEXT TIME IM ***********.



Sound stupid, just imitating you.

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