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Corellia Chamber of Commerce


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I just wanted to take a minute to tell you about the Corellia Chamber of Commerce. In a bit of a different spin on PA's, instead of having a group of players, we're trying to start a group for any PA, individual, store, etc that is based on Corellia. We basically act as a hub for people to exchange information. We think this will be a little bit easier than a place like the Sony boards as other potential Corellian citizens will be the main target audience.


What if I want to do things on places other than Corellia?

Go ahead! Knock yourself out. We don't really care if you have other things going on elsewhere, just as long as you have some sort of foothold on, or interest in, Corellia.


What's the point?

The goal is to promote interaction between people, provide information about Corellian locales, environments, and match buyers to sellers. Essentially we want to have as much info about the in-game residents, places, perils, and goings on of Corellia as possible, to eliminate as much of the the meandering, guesswork & fatal trial & error that tend to be common in these sorts of games. As much as we would like to do this for all the planets, we are trying to be realistic, so we picked one.


Why Corellia?

Why not?


What do you want from me?

The site is going to be player driven, with players providing the bulk of the content via articles, guides, etc. We have designed a guest content entry system specifically for this purpose. We're not asking you to join anything, or pledge allegiance to our cause, just to be willing to provide information on occasion. You can contribute as little or as much as you like.


We will be switching to the new email addresses once our domain is registered, but in the meantime you can contact me at spacebutler@vdsolutions.com. We really do need the input of the players to drive the site, especially those based on Corellia. This is a great way to meet other players who will also be on Corellia, as well as promoting your own PA (and if you are curious, we are not a PA, we are an independent forum, so we don't want to "steal" members.)

If you would like to know more, feel free to contact me.

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Originally posted by ewok hunter

what exactly will you provide, access to the information that the people give you? because I'm proably going to try to start in Corellia...


Essentially that, and a network of other Corellians. We will post information ourselves, but we aren't vain enough to think we can cover it all. We will have volunteer corerspondents who will submit articles, guides, etc, as well. Our current plans are to have beginner, intermediate & advanced guides for players, but it will obviously take at least some time for those to be written. The site itself should be up in a week or so, & it will be easier to see what I mean.

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indeed welcome! this sounds like a great idea. I would love to get involved with his but the plans are for my pa to be based on Talus (its in the corellian system). I'm not sure I will be able to use this at first, but the plans are to branch out in to every major hub of trade that pops up. Well I wish you good luck and just want to let you know i think this is a great idea, and you should definitely go through with it. :):syoda::)

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Yes. I've gotten the feeling that Corellia will have quite a few citizens. I guess it's second to tatooine, or perhaps after Naboo too. Given that Corellia is hardly even mentioned in the movies, that's not that bad anyway. By the screenshots this far, I think it will be a nice place for settlements.

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Hello again,

I just wanted to drop by and let you know that we finally got our link images up, as well as added links and are looking for reciprocal links with other sites. Nothing grand. Even if it's just a text link. That's fine.


We also added our Naboo chamber today. Several more will be added over the course of the next week or so. (Tatooine is one of them) We actually had several templates and with a few changes & configuration of a few things we can now launch a new chamber in about 2 hours, give or take.


Check us out every few days or so to see what's changed.

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