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Light Emitting shaders Q.


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Yes, there are a few others. Most of them are light-type textures (textures you would use for lights) but I havent seen any lists anywhere yet.


As to advantages, there are a few that pop into mind rather quickly. First is compile time. I dont know why, but using a light-emitting shader to light a level doesnt take nearly the time that a light entity does for the compile process to calculate. So, in the maps I'm working on, I try to use those light-emitting shaders as much as possible to cut down on computing time.


The other reason is purely aesthetic. When you place a light entity, all the light emits from EXACTLY the point thatyou put the entity at. SOunds good, but this isn't always true. What it can do if you put it close to the ground or cieling or wall is create a bright "dot" of cast light on it that really should not be there, given where the light SHOULD be projecting. And if there isn't even an object near the entity from which light could be coming, then that birght dot of light makes even less sence.


For example, say I make a little lamp. It should project light in a certain direction. If I use a shader, it does that. If I use a light entity, the light is created in a 360 degree radius, meaning that it will ALSO light in the OPPOSITE direction, where it should not logically be lit.


Honestly, if you can avoid it, dont use light entities for anything except spotlights. Emitters are easier on the compile, easier on the eyes in-game, and just all around a bit better.


Hope that answers your question.

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Well, I am making small lights about waist level in some areas o mine....kinda like in Quake3 and Quake 2... those small wall lights..


I am using entities for the light here because I just don't know about shaders much yet...


If I use a white boxed texture....this is a shader right??? and it will emit light?


This would make stuff really really easy now... lol...


So, If i find a light texture shader thingamajigger....do I change the light intensity the same way like with an entity?

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OK, now keep in mind I'm no mapping or shader god, but I'll try to field these questions too.


First off, yes, all shaders have the white outline in the editor. But they do NOT nessicarilly give OFF light. Shaders just have a portion of them glow, or are partially transparent, or some such. The only real way to detrmine if it gives off light or not is to test them out. Nor can you alter the intecity of the light without editing that shaders .shader script, which I know nothing about.


As for making your own shaders, I know it can be done, but I cant give any guidance on how that would be done. s soon as RichDeisel finished his current mapping project, he swears he'll finish his on-line tuts, ,and shaders are supposed to be one of those. SO hold your breath - answers ARE coming... just not sure how long it'll be.


Hoser has the right idea though - if you do run across a shader that does emit light, using them as real lights would be used is a good idea. Actually, from a mappers position, it's the BEST idea, since reality is one of the things we should strive for, eh?


Good luck, gus, and sorry I cant help more.

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