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Yavin water textures...


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I currently in the process of making a map and am using the Yavin textures. In doing so, I'm trying to choose which water texture would best suit my needs.

There are 17 water textures but not all of them are showing up properly in a map. (I made a test map, laying out all 17 water textures in their own pools) I currently have 5 textures that show no water (i.e. the black and white crossed lines) of which one texture works (I can enter the water normally). There are also 5 textures that don't work (I can't enter them as water) but do show as water.

Now during editting, I checked these out and then put lights into each of the pools and got different results. Water that didn't work previously now did and water that did work previously now didn't. These results were not across the board but only on a few textures. When I went in and removed the lights, the textures reverted back. I tried putting lights in just the few that changed with no success yet.

Also some of the water will move me on when I step on it (ie waterfall) but still cannot enter. Can anyone out there explain this odd behaviour? I've tried the map in both single player and multi player with identical results.


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Actually, water isnt that hard. You see, it isn't just what texture you use (any of them with a white border will work) it's also in how they are CONSTRUCTED. When you lay down the brush, ,you need to texture all sides as system/caulk/nonsolid. Now that that's done, texture only the TOP surface, and the BOTTOM surface with your water texture. NONE OTHERS!


If you make your water that way, it SHOULD work for you. Good luck.

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I believe we are constructing the water correctly also. As you said caulk with water only on the top and bottom.

This actually reminds me of a problem I had with multiple lights before. I wanted to have torches and assign them different styles. This is because I didn't want the whole hall to pulse, I want a reasonable facsimile of torches. However if I assigned more than three different styles near each other, I would get nothing, the styles no longer seemed to work. Rich (Diesal) released a small map demostrating all of the styles and he had his seperated in different rooms. I'm trying this now with the water (seperating each) to see if this helps.


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Well no luck with the seperated water textures either. I still get some that simply will not work right. I also tried making a small map and putting each one in seperately, testing the map and doing another. While the ones that did't show a texture and did not allow me to enter still did not show a texture, they did allow me to enter the water. So there's that. Perhaps we need to edit something to make them show up correctly. I, however, am an absolute newbie with editing shaders and textures or what ever.:p I'm not even sure I understand the whole process. I've looked around the web and found sites that explain editing but never from a starting point, always assuming you know something.:rolleyes:


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Well, i have tried waters and pool and here's what happened.


4 pools. Different heights. No matter if i try using only bottom and top or all of the brush, kyle does a move like he lands from a jump(and the sound) when he reaches the bottom of the water.


Moreover, kyle gets the water's color when i touch the pool's walls.(Standing next to the walls of the pools from outside)


All of the test waters don't work. (There's no top texture, only white bars on a black background). However you can enter the water and there's water effect and color.

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The water texture and whether or not it is reflective would depend entirely on the shader that's applied to the water. I know for example that yavin/swater1 is completely transparent. There's no visual cue at all that water is present. Also it only shows the ripples around your body if your in the water. Other waters, like yavin/water1 for example, dims with depth and has a darker, moving, much more apparent texture. I would assume that someone could contruct a water texture that does what your suggesting though... although I have not seen it.



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