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New Hero Units for SW:GB 2

Darth Windu

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Canon evidence (taking directly from the flim):


Sith: Red


Jedi:Blue and Green, with exception to Mace Windu, who had a purple blade.


Reason, Lucas wanted it to be easily identifiable who was a jedi and who was a sith. Originally it Lucas intended Just to have Red and Blue sabers, but in RoTJ, blue didn't show up well in the desert scenes so he switched to a green saber. Mace Windu has a purple blade because the actor insisted wanting to stand out since he was the leader of the Jedi (and wanted to point out his character to his children).




ANH: Jedi blue, Sith Red

ESB: Jedi Blue, Sith Red

RoTJ: Jedi Green, Sith Red

EP1: Jedi Blue and Green, Sith Red

EP2: Jedi Blue and Green Except Mace with Purple, Sith Red


Conclusion: Jedi use either a blue or a green blade, while the head of the order uses a purple. The sith use a red blade. This is fact unless it changes in EP3.


Now if you Take EU's reason for lightsabers colors it is entirly dependent on the crystals. A red crystal gives a red blade, blue for a blue blade. Color signifies nothing. In Shadows of the Empire When constructing his new lightsaber Luke uses an artificial green crystal. In Ambush at Corellia Luke gives Liea a lightsaber with a ruby colored blade (a red blade). Jedi Knight Dark Force 2, shows a Sith with a yellow blade. JK2, and JK both have the user pick any color blade, and have many colored blades. The bots in JK2 however either have Red for bad, or blue for good.


Conclusion: In EU, color is completly determined by crystals, so a Jedi can have any colored blade. Sith appear to prefer Red, but don't have to have a red blade.


So you see your both right, depending on your point of view.


Topic wise:

I would like to see better Jedi, and a limit put on them.

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Well, yeah but windu goes into both categories to prove his point.

EU and canon stuff. He claims Adi Gallia to have a pink saber... all I'm saying is that in Ep. I Jedi Power Battles that Adi Gallia has a red saber (crimson according to their web page, Plo Koon has a yellow and windu has a blue. That's all. And he was claiming only sith have a red. He then claimed Adi's was pink. So he isn't going by canon theories because she hasn't been seen in action. But I'm lead to believe there's a deleted scene (time constraints) w/ her and Plo Koon raiding a ship that'll be in the DVD... i *think* it was from ep. 2, but I could be wrong. I'm just claiming he's inaccurate. Just like the gunship... cuz it's the fast fighter and it's already in the game...

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