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Adding Entities to the MP .def file


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As the subject is pretty self explanatory I'll just put into context exactly why I wanna add extra entities to the .def file...


I downloaded the Hydroball mod a day or so ago, and was inspired to make a map for it (as it listed its custom entities in the readme)... It then hit me, that i wasn't quite sure how to go about adding those entities so they are available in JK2Radient. I looked through the MPEntities.def file and decided I probably shouldn't edit it till I was sure exactly what I should put.. So here I am in search of help :D


Thanks to anyone in advance who takes the time to answer my wee problem ;)


- Blaze


P.S Hydroball is a great great mod and its not getting the attention and respect it deserves.. so go download it people and get them servers up and playing!

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yeah the gamecode is already altered cause i'm mapping for a specific mod.. i just needa get the entities into the Radient menu's so i can add them with ease.. or if theres another way to add custom entities to maps then i'd love to know that too

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OK as I have been getting no replies I decided to just go ahead and edit the MP_entities.def file (after backing up the original first of course)


I entered the entities in a format like this:


/*QUAKED trigger_teamchoose


key/value pairs:

teamchoose - Can be 1 (team 1) or 2 (team 2).


Acts as the entry gate for the given team.




But as I expected JK2Radient performs an illegal operation when I try to insert one of these new entities from the right click menu or select one in the Entities list...


All the default entities that were in there to start with have a set of numbers on the first line which i can only assume are something to do with the "origin".. but I have no idea how I should use the custom entities i need to map for the mod...


/*QUAKED emplaced_gun (0 0 1) (-30 -20 8) (30 20 60) CANRESPAWN


That for example is the first line of one of the default entities.. the numbers might aswell be in an arabic alphabet cause I'd understand them about the same as I do now...


Please Please could someone somewhere come up with some help :(


Thanks again in advance just incase ;)


- Blaze

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it could be that no one else knows; i mean this is going pretty specific, editing for, editing for a mod :p


dont hold you breath for an answer here, one may pop up, but you should hack at it yourself the most; maybe try another quake3 game forum - a game that has big mods like that


also, are you running in jk base mapping mode, or a mod mode? i know in gtk you can specify, under the game, whether its the base mp/sp, or a custom mod; maybe that would help too

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Just so happens that Jukoniku in another thread has found a pre-made hydroball.def file with all the entities needed for that mod so I know what was wrong with the way I entered the entities into the def file... I still dont understand the number parts tho ;)


Anyway thanks to Jukoniku and if anyones interested in the entities for Hydroball go read that post: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=74778


Thanks for the suggestions guys :)


- Blaze


P.S I think I still will try and find one of the bigshots and find out what the numbers mean :D

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