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WIP:Tatooine Town


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Well i've been working on this map for 2 weeks as some people will know after reading and helping me with probs.It is made for rpg so there isn't really any room to fight but maybe u could fight on the buildings . It has a hom effect cause i haven't got my custom sky in and forgot to put one in :D . I have not put lights on apart from sky lights so in some rooms well actually most rooms are dark. So far on the map is a garage, a club/pub,prison,hotel,droid store,a gambling room. I have made my own map model which is the vaporator with is textureless like most of the map for some reason :(. If someone knows y could they please tell me. I have made a landspeeder prefab which is just metal so in the garage i am hopefully going to have sparks coming from part of it to make it look like a droid is making it. Plus for some reason the lifts will only take u up and not down and i don't know y. The mirror i am making shows up as a black and white grid thing does anyone know how u r meant to make them so they don't do that? For some reason i have made the doors bigger than the info_player_start and u still have to crouch to get through them, well here are some screens:










(NOTE:You must copy the links into your browser to view)


And please constructive critisism because this is my first map.:D :D :D

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"The mirror i am making shows up as a black and white grid thing does anyone know how u r meant to make them so they don't do that?"


For that problem, one thing you could try is:


bring down the console and before you load your map,


type: sv_pure 0, push the "enter" key


then load your map.


I hope that fixes your problem.

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Here are some more screenshots this time there is no hom effect i decided to just put brushes around it i will later put in a proper sky. And the light is abit bright in some areas so i will change that later too. The jail door moves the wrong way so i will also be changing that too :D. My bar is abit empty hopefully i will get a table in there soon.












You will need to copy them into your browser to view them.

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Originally posted by superdude201

Here are some more screenshots this time there is no hom effect i decided to just put brushes around it i will later put in a proper sky. And the light is abit bright in some areas so i will change that later too. The jail door moves the wrong way so i will also be changing that too :D. My bar is abit empty hopefully i will get a table in there soon.












You will need to copy them into your browser to view them.


Criticism time:


Image 3: Fix that door there. The grated door doesn't open into the building, it opens away so when it opens it goes into the building next to it a la screenshot 3 there. Just change the angle of the func_door entity.


Um... I can tell you're compiling with nolight cuz it's excessively bright. later on, you're gonna want to get that sky shader working and make it so it emits light so you can get that nice tatooine sun thing goin on.


And btw, if you put a ? at the end of the links when you click on them it will come up. I heard somewhere if you rename the images to .txt files on geocities then they can be directly linked to.

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Originally posted by superdude201

Well i have already changed the direction of thast door but i aren't using nolight i'm using fastvis 1/2. And yes i do want to get that sky working just like i want the model to work i might just make the model again but as a prefab.


keep the model as it is... contact me on aim or msn



dysfunktionalX on aim


and i will try to get your model working for you.

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Hey, don't get demotivated- my cantina was one of those "first-map-projects" too, and the very first version was crap... But you'll learn and then you're map gets better too. And you already have more detail in your droid shop than I do ;)


Just tell me if you need anything, like textures or the sky-shader.


And so far it looks good, I could see this as a city in a canyon, would give some very nice optics :)

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Well i have tried and tried and i can't get it to work :( hopefully i will eventuallly get my skybox working. Maybe i could like make a kind of canyon bit on my map where there could be a deserted tusken raider camp but does anyone know how to do like hills and bumps on jk2 maps using gtkradient and tigris how do u get custom textures in game? Mine work on gtk radient but not ingame and i've tried using that sv_pure 0 and that doesn't make the slightist difference. And tigris i think your beta version of the cantina is the best map out.

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Right i've got a big part of my map where theres going to be a tusken raider camp it will have lots of sand hills around it i have the sand hills ready but i need the actual camp but i can't find any refrence pics does anyone know where i can find some. theforce.net has one which is a far away shot but i need one which will show me the shape of the tents and the textures i will need to put on the tents and other things to put on my map. And i thunk i will totally redo my skybox cause they don't line up and if its possible could someone make it work somehow once i post the 6 screens up because i am really having trouble with it it just won't work i don't know y i have done what volrathxp told me to do but my sky shader still doesn't work :( and for some reason the only textures that work ingame are they sky textures which i hoped to use for my skybox none of my other custom textures work do u need to make the texture then an arena file or a shader file for them to work? Thanks

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Be careful with custom textures - They need to be at a certain size to work -

i.e. 64,128, 256,512,1024 (pixels) x 64,128, 256,512,1024 (pixels)

Other sizes will result in distorted textures.

Also, for best results save as 24bit .TGA files. JPG's are fine but if you plan to make shaders you need to use 32bit TGA's. (24bit TGA's are for non shader textures)


Good Luck



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