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JediPLUS (JediMOD++)


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Originally posted by -Chrono_MOT-

Actually, no it's not a bunch of crap. Anything we make using source code provided by LucasArts is technically their property.




Models, however, are different. I didn't use any kind of "special lucasarts model" to make my lightsabers/weapons. I used modeling programs. Therefore, the models themselves are my property.


Though did you program the system that you used to model with or the game that you model for?


The bunch of crap is that BOFH can't use the Jedimod code. I say that if you made the model it is yours, but if you release the source code you made it public property.

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the hilts weren't made by me but the conversion, icons and bug fixes were though...and the fact that I released it, doesn't look like anyone else has done nearly the same number of hilts that are in my pack....even more as of now...and I've asked almost every author if I could use their hilts, all said "yes, I'd gladly let you use my hilt(s)", so the original authors WERE indeed asked (and glad I took notice in their work), I didn't want any confusion in the air (*cough*) and the other authors e-mailed me after the release, all credit was recorded, all authors happy, unlike this so called "project"...


BOFH, this hilt pack wasn't a copy of the movies....I don't know why you keep referring to that...and what are all these "MANY BUG FIXES FROM 1.2!!!!" ? I hear you've fixes sleep and sit (even though sit didn't have anything wrong with it...and sleep could of been disabled..), if you're referring to that then I really don't call those many bug fixes...you're over exaggerating...again....


and TheWhiteRaider, you say ?? who the **** are you to say ? are you the mother****ing authority ? heck no...and I quote


Though did you program the system that you used to model with or the game that you model for?


what the **** does that have to do with anything fool ? if you drew a beautiful, gorgeous painting...would the company that you bought the paper and pencils (paints, etc) have the right to that picture if you would...sell it on a show or something ? heck ****ing no!!! why are you referring to the tools Chrono have used?? they have nothing to do with his ability to model (and model good I must say), the paints don't make the artist, his mind and creativity does, moron


god!! these forums are ****ed up, you guys don't know how to have fun, or take a joke, or do anything humane for that matter, I really hope all the good people like Chrono, Sith Maximus, all the rest of modelers and programmers take a leave from these boards, move on to polycount.....much better and stricter there


I'm glad Dest took an absence from here, I'm glad such a nice person doesn't get caught up into this **** deeper.


and Nightmare..you were right, these people ARE dumb ****s, I don't even know why I bother to defend them....sure have learned a lesson...JK2 community is a ****ing never ending **** hole...


back to more important things in my life, asking this hot mother****ing senior out on a little date....and getting a new car...

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nah didnt say this people here are dumb. i said people in general are dumb, but one person might be smart. since these are the premier forums for jk2 it had to be crowded by many people. and i am getting frustrated looking on how things are developing here. the smart people are all hooked up in their own projects. then there are newbs who want to know how to ged mauls saber to work and stuff like that. then there are those famewhores who need to please the dumbest of people and release a mod which has nearly all funny easter egg features and no realy longterm usefull feature. ok i understand that jedimod is important for many people and has its rights to exist. but sadly there seems to be no room for more serious development of gameplay here. first improve the game modes like duel and stuff, then make a better saber combat system and then whatever. thats the plan i would suggest. anyway it seems to be futile here. the smart people dont even bother because of the overall stupidity and newcomers are scared away if they are not one of the stupid people. its not getting anywhere with this forum. but htere is hope for the mod scene: promod for example. any others to follow. i hope to get my own one done in some weeks. otherwise jk2 is getting annoying...

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I've noticed that people seem to think they have to have experience at modding before people will accept them onto a team. I keep having to tell people that you don't need experience to help with mods. Everyone has to learn the engine/code/etc. at some point. :)

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