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Diablo II Barbarian MP Model


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after playin the model for a while i think i came up with a review for it.


the model itself is a rather cool looking model but he is too short and way too muscular for his own good, not to mention the saber is wrong, way wrong. the seam between the arm and torso is annoying. i will give the model about a 7 because of the saber messups, the seem, and the way too muscular style of it. it looks like it should be in a cartoon instead of a game but good job on the sounds. keep up the good work.

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i freakin love this. it has few modeling glitches mostly skeleton weighting problems which are a major pain to fix. but just the idea and execution of it i really dig. i full-hartily encourage you to keep modeling the heros of d2 or just any medieval characters :)


keep up the good work,


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Originally posted by KevinCoyle

I appreciate the feedback everybody, It will help me make the model better. I am planning on releasing updates of the model after I fix some of the problems, so let me know what you think needs to be changed.




add some armor to him. release a version with full barbarian armor on and one thats just normal. if you do make a necromancer make him with his armor on and not with just the vest and pants cause i think that is so gay.

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