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ArtifeX's ProMod 1.0 Beta -- Released


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Artifex's Official ProMod 1.0 Beta Server





ProMod 1.0 is now up on fileshack.com. Here is the link to download:






ProMod 1.0 Beta has been delivered to jediknightii.net's file upload address. It should be available in their file section as soon as their admins can get around to posting it.


The mod is based off of the issues I had in my article "What needs to happen in 1.04" (http://www.oculis.org/asc/features_104.html), which some of you may already be familiar with. Its aim is to replace the official version of the game in competitions and pro tournaments.


Two major things have been done in the mod:


1.) Saber Combat bugs have been fixed. The infamous, "hit-from-behind-from-in-front" bug is gone, among others. The mechanics have been altered to more accurately reflect true sword combat. See the promod_readme.html file in the distribution file for more info.


2.) Random factors have all been removed. All combat logic is now based upon player skill and input rather than random number generator calls. Again, see the promod_readme.html for more details.


I will be putting up an official game server sometime today hopefully. What was originally the *ASC* challenge server will become the official ProMod dedicated server. Any server admins who would like to get their server up and running with ProMod before jkii.net gets the files posted can contact me at arsartifex@msn.com and I'll see about sending the files directly to you. You can also contact me through that address with feedback on the mod.


I'll update this post throughout the day as questions arise.




A short feature list:


1. Combat Strength Crosshair (CSC) -- This is a secondary crosshair that will appear outside the radius of the normal crosshair. It shrinks and grows depending on how accurately you are aiming at your opponent.


2. New Combat Engine -- All blocks, parries, deflections, knockaways and defense breakers are linked to the CSC of both players. Two sabers coming into contact with one another will result in an opposed check on both players' CSC's. The player with the higher value (better aim) will end up inflicting some kind of effect on the losing player. The greater the differences in CSC values, the more drastic the effects to the losing player. This means that there are no unblockable swings in ProMod, but neither are there any swings which are 100% blockable.


3. Lightsaber Style Personalities -- Each of the different saber styles gives bonuses and penalties to certain types of combat. For instance, Light style gets bonuses to blocking, but lacks the finesse to Deflect and Knockaway well. Medium style is excellent for Deflections and Knockaways, but has poor Defense Breaking capabilities. Strong is weak on Blocking, but Defense Breaks much more often. This underscores the need to switch between styles as the situation demands.


4. CSC Bonus System -- How many Levels you buy in certain Force Powers can affect your ability to perform different physical and force powered combat maneuvers. Force Jump (which now allows kicking at even Level 1) will change the strength and ease with which you can kick other players and wall jump. Saber Offense and Defense greatly affect your CSC values.


Check out the full readme file: http://www.oculis.org/promod

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You can get it from the jediknightii.net files section as soon as they can put it up. I sent the file to them this morning.


Originally posted by dood

I see one problem-> I can't register and can't download a promod. Maby is a different place from I can gat file?

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I've read the readme and everything about it i thought was too good to be true. I download the mod and start playing it, boy was I wrong. It's an excellent mod and i hope that a lot of people play it and more versions come out :D :D. A question i have though, what is the tournament style playing you were talking about? If Pro and Vulcanus mods could join together into one, it would be an outstanding mod but thats just in my opinion of course :D. The only thing I suggest is to make the target recticle expanded a bit more. I just have to put the crosshair just a bit close to the body for it to be as tight as possible. It's still good the way it is so if you don't change it, it's fine. I'm out, must.. find.. more.. pro mod servers...:lsduel:

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Glad you all are liking the mod. Remember, Beta 2's going to be out in the next few days, and it's a huge improvement over the first. The new bonus system is just as innovative as the CSC is. Check out http://promod.moddb.com for the latest updates.


Originally posted by TheGreenKnight

I've read the readme and everything about it i thought was too good to be true. I download the mod and start playing it, boy was I wrong. It's an excellent mod and i hope that a lot of people play it and more versions come out :D :D. A question i have though, what is the tournament style playing you were talking about? If Pro and Vulcanus mods could join together into one, it would be an outstanding mod but thats just in my opinion of course :D. The only thing I suggest is to make the target recticle expanded a bit more. I just have to put the crosshair just a bit close to the body for it to be as tight as possible. It's still good the way it is so if you don't change it, it's fine. I'm out, must.. find.. more.. pro mod servers...:lsduel:

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All i gotta say about Beta 2.0 is.. Go ArtifeX Go! I hope this mod gets to be on the ladder, i just love this mod so much. I can't stand 1.04 that whenever i get hit by heavy and then i do the same thing to the person its blocked :( I've had JK2 since 1.02 but i never bothered to play it till 1.03, man did i miss out.. Anyway, hope to see you on a promod server sometime, i think you can guess my name on it lol.

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I'm in my official server occasionally (check my sig for the ip). I don't tend to stay long, as i spend more time coding than playing these days. :)


Originally posted by TheGreenKnight

All i gotta say about Beta 2.0 is.. Go ArtifeX Go! I hope this mod gets to be on the ladder, i just love this mod so much. I can't stand 1.04 that whenever i get hit by heavy and then i do the same thing to the person its blocked :( I've had JK2 since 1.02 but i never bothered to play it till 1.03, man did i miss out.. Anyway, hope to see you on a promod server sometime, i think you can guess my name on it lol.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The model scaling issue could be solved very easily if someone would just create a yoda model that maintained the scale of an original player's bounding box. Since ghoul 2 allows per poly hit detection, a saber swinging over yoda's head wouldn't hit some invisible, generic bounding box. I think the only problem would be scaling the skeleton down to match yoda.


Somebody tell me if I'm wrong on this.

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I believe that the model scaling in Jedimod alters the size of the bounding box. There is no problem of swinging over his head and still hitting him. If you notice when you use Yoda in your mod, he is like 6 feet tall, meaning that was created to the proper skeleton size.

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