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Stealth Mod


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After playing my MGS once again I decided that an awesome mod for JediKnight 2 would be a stealth type mod. Now this Idea is probally completly ludicrous and idiotic but I will give it a shot.


This mod would be multiplayer and would encourage teamplay.


The following would most likely be required:


  • New animations for sneaking such as crawling on the floor and pressing up against a wall.
  • New dark maps that have hiding places and such.
  • Replacement of normal pistol with a silenced, deadly pistol
  • Adding the ability to sneak up and throw or choke the enemy.
  • Animation of really kicking the opponent not just flying in the air.
  • Replacing saber with a deadly sword. (Can not have much of a stealth with a large bright glowing buzzing lightsaber can you ;))
  • Sripting of the gameplay.I think it should revolve around the duel type system or a CTF system.


For the game play it could either be capture the flag and have added NPC's forcing you to remain hidden. That or a 2v2 Duel where you must eliminate the oposing team.


Please I would love to see this mod fly, and I would do part of it myself except that I am incapable of doing such a thing, No modding experience/abilities. :(

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Hey looks like my idea might acttualy go somewhere. If you want to help email me at Jman3ooo@yahoo.com and we can see where we can go.


Make a multi player game first and when/if they realease the sp sdk we will transfer it then. Hey we could make a Co-op game where you need to get by stormtroopers and such!!!!


I am liking this even more every second!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
New animations for sneaking such as crawling on the floor and pressing up against a wall.


you see that PRESSING UP AGAINST A WALL........... WALL HUG!!!!

god you really are a tart Hellfire Jedi. i have been programming for years and i have made PLENTY of new animations for this game.


you have obviously read an old thread saying that raven havent released the SP code yet. well seen as it aint that hard to figure out and i used to work for raven just goes to show just how little you know about coding. IT CAN BE DONT TART, trust me.

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