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JK2: Attack of the WAH!!!


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This happens ALL the time now.


I join a server, someone starts talking smack, and how he can't be killed, he's all ub3r, etc...


I challenge him to fight. He agreed so I found him. He was hiding behind someone floating over the ctf-yaven map in the middle. Map finally ends and goes to ctf-bespin.


He comes after our flag and I catch up to him and totally slaughter him (he just spams kick and red DFA over and over. Easy kill). Then he says I"m a scripting whore because everytime I throw the saber, it hits him. First of all, you can't script saber throw, because the distance of the enemy is always different. Second, why would you want to? I only did saber throws when he tried to run away, ultimatly killing him instantly. Turn your back and run? YES you're gonna die. I don't have speed, so when someone runs I just throw the asber at their back.


He comes again, we fight, I kill him.


WAH WAH WAH WAH WAH, he cheats! no, HE IS A SCRIPTING-WHORE, then he says the following, "Either he cheats, or he just uses cheap saber moves." Well, there, he shows that he doesn't know if I script, because either I do, or I don't?


Then he says I never even swing the saber...ummm...ya, you keep getting killed by "soandso was SABERED by RpTheHotrod" (note, he died once by a saber throw because he ran, the rest of the 6 or 7 fights he actually stayed. I'm NOT a saber-throw spammer. I throw it if the need comes in. Guess he thought I was using weapons on a SABER ONLY SERVER.


Then he goes on and on (after every death) about how I script. well, I asked him to name ONE SCRIPT I used....no response. Later I asked again, no response, then I ask later again and he says the following "You script saber throw! Everytime I try to run away I always get hit by your saber throw!"


He then said something very nice "You don't script? THEN EXPLAIN HOW YOU DO EVERYTHING SO PERFECTLY AND TIMED PERFECT!!!" Well, I told him lots of practice, patience, and time...and then I thanked him for that compliment of myself being perfect. ;)


Again, I do not script. I think it's cheap. I MYSELF play this game, not some lame auto-script.


By this time, everyone's yelling at this guy to shut up. Someone said you can't script on pure servers (This was a pure server)....is that true? I've never scripted, so I really don't know.


Eventually, some guy said "Hotrod's right people, so shut the **** up!".



I just got fed up with it, and ignored him until I had to leave.











What has this game turned into?

Also, CAN you script on pure servers?

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i hate people like that, it is the one thing that makes online games like cs or jo bad, ther eis jsut to many younger and immature people(didn't want to say 11 year olds) playing that it makes the game a bunch of crap


edit: not the gmae is crap, it is just crap playing with immature people

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Just wanted to answer your pure server question. Yes you can script on pure servers.


Pure server means that any time a client connects to it, the server checks the .pk3 files on the client machine to make sure they are EXACTLY the same as the ones running on the server (this is only for the actual game .pk3's as in assets0, assets1, etc.)


This was originally put into the Quake 3 engine to catch people trying to hack the code and cheat that way. Some people like to add "aimbots" to their .pk3's. These aimbots make your player automatically point at the closest enemy to you, even through walls. Therefore all you had to do is hit the attack button and you'd always hit your target.


Scripting has nothing to do with the .pk3 files. Scripts are written in the .cfg files that bind keys to actions within the game.


BTW: You shouldn't just dismiss scripts as lame all together. There are a few scripts that I use which are really usefull. They don't perform moves for me but allow me to do things like record a demo with a button push, then stop recording and queue up another demo to be recorded by pressing the same key again. Threre's another script I use which let's me remove all the HUD stuff, take a screenshot, then put all the HUD stuff back with a single key press.


I'm not gonna get into the whole "scripting is cheating" debate, but I just wanted to let you know that there are a lot of useful things that you can do with scripts besides set up keys to execute special moves.

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