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Workin' the FAQ: Possible Undiscovered Move


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Tree, has bought to my attention a demo of a particular animation/move that only seems to occur on stairs. It looks like a Midair Left-to-Right One Handed Heavy Swing but I've never seen it in any other situation. It's almost as if it's from Dasann's hidden stance. Tree made a video of the move and I have hosted it, here, for your inspection (the move occurs near the very end of this fairly short demo file.)


What is this move, how do you do it, and in what situation?




Razor Ace


Keeper of the FAQ

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I forgot there's a PLAY DEMO selection under play. hehe



OKAY! I was right..your answer:



He did the yellow stance special "DFA" move. HOWEVER, there is a bug in the game where sometimes the model doesn't register it right and only the top half of the body does the move. If you watch it, he's doing exactly like the swing below, but upside down.


I tend to get this bug alot....happens to red stance DFA too if you sometimes hit something else in the way.



Again, this was the yellow special move, but the model gets bugged and the bottom part of the body doesn't move.



Sorry to burst your bubbles. :/ but it does look cool when you pull it off!

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It's probably a bug but.......


I know for a fact I didn't push jump. All I was doing was swinging.


I just tried the yellow DFA and I thought It looked a little differen't they way his arms moved. I wish the demo player had a repeat option.

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Originally posted by RpTheHotrod

Well, it just "happens". maybe 1 out of 10 yellow DFA moves for me. No circumstances...just gets bugged.


You sure about that 1 out of 10?


I've been playing for a long time and I've never seen it done, except on the stairs.

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sorry, that was a typo...should read 1 out of 20.


No, you don't need to do this on stairs. It's a bug in the game that happens with yellow AND red DFA moves....but more commonly yellow. It isn't a new move...and it's a pain when it happens. Your guy just STANDS there without moving and the saber is out and away from your body, leaving a major gap in your defense.

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Hes lying because he fears my leet stair special move, and the unbalance it will bring to the game.


I'm gonna send it to someone at raven and see what they say.


After that I'm done. I mean cmon how useful is a stair only special anyway.




But if anyone could tell me how to Break out of the Yellow DFA I'd be your friend.

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Not lying. It happen again tonight, but I didn't hit the screenshot key fast enough. It seems to normally happen if you are on a "crease" in the terrain (stairs, or the top of a ramp...that line between the slant and the flat part) while running towards the crease.



ie, stand on bottom of ramp, run to crease, once at crease, do move...that's howit has NORMALLY happened with me. Since stairs have SEVERAL of these creases (2 each step)...it's a very good chance that's why it happened on the stairs.

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