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My new lightsaber model


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here is my new saber. But i have a few questions. how do you apply your skin the the model in milkshape, how do you get the skin to look like metal and not just like its colored on there, and how do you check the polycount on the model in milkshape.here it is i just set it up on a quik site to post online.


its the saber on the page by the way...just telling the dumb pple

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you need to unwrapp yer model, can be done with lithunwrap or gmax/3dsmax/chilliskinner. but its a long drawn out process that no one has cared to give me any info on. so i quit trying.


if you want. here is a link with links to programs/tutorals for modeling/skinning/unwrapping etc



and to make metallic skins for the model, you need a painting program, i use photoshop. but i hear people like paint shop pro also. you will have to make the decision on what you like. i think they both cost money. so either buy them.. or use other means of aquiring them... *hint* altho i didnt say what, so dont get me in trouble.


photoshop for me, was fairly easy to learn , but still needs practice to make decent looking metallic textures. good luck.


p.s. - nice model:D

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There is another way, but its a pain in the @$$, you simply make a group for every single different color and in the .qc file you can assign each seperate group to the color it is supposed to be. That is how I have done my first two sabers, the only bad thing being that it increases filesize. As for metal, the easiest way is to find Shawn Kenobi's thread: WIP Adi Gallia Hilt and then read Shawn's instructions for making metal.

Click Below




Tsk Tsk... Warez are against the forum TOS. - Eets :eets:


Opps, my fault..uhhh...EDIT

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thanks everyone but can you tell me where you got the fireworks program your talking about...can i dl it from somewhere..i dled ultimate unrap3d,got the coloring done, and found out i cant save it cause its a demo program

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