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WIP: Shawn Kenobi Jedi Knight sabre

Master Shawn

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OK, i've completed my JediMod version, but I need a tester to make sure it works before I release it, anyone with JediMod 1.2 is eligible, just leave your email and I'll send it, the forst one gets it. Also, if you are the lucky one to get to test it, dont release it, I can do that by myself.

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Well, its all chrome and such, and most sabres which are chrome are considerably shiny, besides, its the same metals I use on all my other sabres(And for the fact it took me a while to get a sabre miniature into a JediMod selection button...) the sabre is still ready for testing for the person who wants to.

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...uhhHh...to... many... wows...:explode:



I really like this hilt if you havnt noticed..hehe :p. Does it replace the saber in Sp? Does it replace ALL the hud icons and the selection icon? IF it does (would would be my dream) PLEASE send it to CB6368@aol.com



Thanks a lot, :dev14:

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Well, I am extremely glad that you like the way it looks in game. Thats is always a plus, Its good to know to that you have overcome an obstacle that you once thought impossible. BUT, you posted this pic on a forum, and people are going to tell you what they think, I personally think the metal needs some serious work. Now i am not sure how fireworks does as far as image processing.


I do know you have come very far in modeling and I am quite impressed with your motivation. Keep it up..

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The icon itself is exactly as it should be, .tga and named correctly and in the right folder.


And the correct spelling for the weapon is sabre, I have heard that it is in the ANH credits as sabre. The american spelling is usually saber, but the correct spelling is sabre.

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I got it fixed :D It seems I added in an extra folder by accident. I will submit it to jk2files.com as soon as I can. I won't submit it to jediknightii.net because they haven't put up a single file I've sent them and I don't see why I should continue to send them files they won't put them up.

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My clan doesnt even exist, hasnt for a week, and you werent even in it so how the hell would you know how we ran stuff? And don't disrespect my parents you little worm, just cause you don't like how people like my sabres doesnt mean you have the right to "attempt" to make me feel bad, cause it aint working. And I must also add, nice try attempting to impersonate Crosis*, im guessing this is Tru_Weed_Smoka...

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You take a little criticism and then you all flair up on me.



BAHAHAHHAHAHAH, and then you call me TWS..... omg.



And shawn.. I was about I I this close to being in JO.... REMEMBER Lo_Pakev.... Looks like you REALLY dont care about your members....



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