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WIP: Shawn Kenobi Jedi Knight sabre

Master Shawn

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1.) for the skin to show up right you need the MD3 file and a SKIN file so you can recompile an MD3 with the proper skin in the saber_exarkun directory.


2.) Place all skins/hud icons in saber_exarkun.


3.) extract the *lightsaber_na.tga hud files from the assets0 file and use those. save them into saber_exarkun.


4.) make sure the glm is compiled into the saber_exarkun directory, along with the other skins.


...hmm...guess Shawn wasn't the only one who knew what he was doing after all.

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Meanwhile, I'm off to work on my Optimus Prime, Megatron, Megaman, Yogi Bear, X-Men, Simpsons, Futurama, Beavis and Butthead, Huckleberry Hound, Bugs Bunny, and Mickey Mouse models.


Shawn, could you do the skins for those too? They'd fit right in with your Exar Kun hilt! ^_^

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I'm not being an ass. I'm sick of people kissing your ass because they think you're so "awesome" for doing all these hilts..when you are far from the best saber modeler there is. Hell...I'm not even the best there is but at least I know when to be humble.


"I'll get started on one since I'm bored"


What? Are you modeling for the star wars cartoon now? I've already told you your models are great, but you're too damn stubborn to allow real criticism to help you. Rather than seek out programs that help you make decent skins, you choose to use a program that makes your models look like coloring books. If you're that irritated about skinning work, let someone else skin it.


Don't be such an idiot when you post your work. You post the same garbage every time - you post a saber, someone criticizes it, then you flip your lid because they didn't say it was awesome.


You know what real artists do with criticism (and I don't mean painters, I mean musicians/etc) they listen to it!

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Well, seems someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.:rolleyes: I really could care less about what you think right now Chrono, I actually have ppl wanting my services for once and I don't need someone like you trying to make me look bad. I find my sabre skins to be cool in the game, just because they arent super professional because I don't have photoshop doesnt mean they cant be good to some people. If you don't like the way my sabres skins look then why do you keep posting in the threads? Why don't you just leave me alone.

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Out of all the user made objects I've downloaded for Jk2, maybe 10% of it looks profesional. These are usually the things where the author was afraid to go out and do something for the fun of it. These things tend to be less original and less noticable.


And for Crosis, shut the hell up. No one wants to listen to some the 10 year old bastard who knows about 3 cuss words who gets picked on at the school playground. Why don't you go run off and play somewhere else while we adults have a conversation.

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Originally posted by jessman233

I think it looks quite good considering. Just ignore negative comments. Someone obviously had a bad day and felt it ok to take it out on your hard work. Screw them. It looks great. Keep it up.

eah ignore their comments for some reason they seem to have a bad day everyday. And if i'm honest i like it i don't know where they get cartoony cause its too shiney but i don't really recall where in the simpsons they have 3d objects that shine like that.
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"ignore their comments" hmm......all i was doing was offering some critique. I thought that the model gave off way to much shine, and had multiple light sources. No it does not have a cartoon shader, but the intesity of the specualr level is way too high, thus giving it a highly unrealsitic look.

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I really could care less about what you think right now Chrono, I actually have ppl wanting my services for once and I don't need someone like you trying to make me look bad.



lol. You don't need my help in making you look bad. These people are praising your models. Your skins are utter garbage compared to how they should look. Yea, they look neat. Do they look good? No. Sorry, any competent weapons modeler will tell you you should work on your texturing more.


No, I didn't wake up on the wrong side of the bed, and yes - I do know what the hell I'm talking about. No, I'm not 10, and no, my vocabulary isn't restricted to 3 words. People "want" your services because you provide an update every week with some model that you made, that has a garbage skin you spent no time on.


Once again, you don't take criticism very well, and rather than listen to people who actually HAVE models that are downloaded QUITE frequently, you listen to people who praise your work. The way to look at it isn't to say "oh, well they like my work so that makes it good". Sorry pal. It doesn't work that way. I'm not trying to down you or your models, I'm just saying you need to work on your skin. Remember how far you got with that Obi-Wan saber? That was good skinning after you listened to constructive criticism.


Show that saber in the skinning forum. See how long it takes before someone criticizes it there.


I'm not going to even bother offering any tips anymore. I'm sick of trying to help people like you who are so damn stubborn they can't even take a little advice.

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Do they look good? No. Sorry, any competent weapons modeler will tell you you should work on your texturing more.


If you don't like them, then don't download them. But don't give people a hard time...it's not like he was praising himself, it was the others that were complimenting him.

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You can't say his skins look bad completely, everyone has different tastes and I happen to like his sabers. I imagine them ingame all shiny and it looks cool to me, maybe not other, but to me. Just like Chrono's sabers. I don't like em but some people might. All I'm saying is some people may like his sabers and some don't but you can't talk for everyone and say it sucks because I like his sabers they are cool. (IMO)

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heh. Yea, I'm burning brain cells here right as we speak. By the way, "brain cells" is two separate words Einstein. And for the record, I never try to intimidate - only advise. And the advice we were giving Shawn was to at least try and find a better skinning program. Unfortunately, since the people that replied decided they like cartoony sabers (although they are incredibly unpopular with the general populace of players) he just ignores criticism.


I have no respect for someone who posts here and instead of accepting criticism gets pissed off at it.

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I'm going to jump in here for a moment.


You should really take criticism and use it to your advantage. Improve your work because of the faults seen in it by others. How else do you honestly expect to get better at it? Maybe you can work a bit on the texture a bit more, give it maybe just one or two lines of shiny (or whatever you want to call it). Really though, don't just blow off criticism, embrace it and improve yourself because of it.

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Yes, everyone should, but some criticism is just a jerk trying to get an author to quit what he is doing.



In this instance though the above statement doesn't apply (to most of the posts, though some should just be ignored) because a lot of people have made a comment about it, which I have refraind from commenting on till I see it in game.

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