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WIP: Shawn Kenobi Jedi Knight sabre

Master Shawn

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First of all, I never told Shawn he should quit. I told him he should work on his skins more.


Second of all, when I post my work in here I take criticism and I look at it from all angles. If I have honestly done that (which to be honest Shawn rarely does) and I still think it's fine then I won't listen. But I don't jump back and fire off just because someone says it needs a little work.


And who are you to say that you have refrained from comment anyway? I guess you failed to see that the people commenting in this thread have already made several models and put them in-game...so you get a feel for how they will "look" based on the renders.


Since he is rendering them using a child's program compared to what most other people are using, it won't look very decent in-game.


For someone who hasn't even appeared to have released a model yet, you sure do have a big mouth to preach from.

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And do you know why I haven't released one? Its because if I ever got to be a popular model I would be afraid I would turn into a jackass like you. If your wanting to make it personal, email me and I'll knock the hinges off the door that is hold me back.


I have found that just showing a rendering of a model is often not enough. Sure it gives a vauge idea of what to expect but if it is functional is yet to be seen. Something that looks bad in a render may look great in game, and vise versa. Obviously your too caught up in making a bunch of pretty pictures to take notice of that fact. I posted here, and continue to post here, because I liked what I what I saw, and I saw what was a possibility of a very good looking saber. My desition on that is not final until I see an in game screenshot.

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my problem with my sabers is i dont know how to get them to work in game...and i have a question about that.....does the saber have to be regrouped together..or can i leave it and just add the skin patterns to the pk3...

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You just have to have every part you skinmapped seperate, export everything, all your frames(The tag_flash and the names of your skinmapped parts), to a file in base/models/weapons2/saber called saber_w.md3 . Make all your textures and put them in the same directory. Now we need a .skin file, open notepad, and type your saber parts names where I have *, and your skin file where I put ^. *,models/weapons2/saber/^ Do that for every part of your sabre that is seperate, then save the file as saber_w.skin. Now, you need MD3View, so goto jk2files.com and get the two SDKs(unless you already have it of course.) Now, open MD3View, and open your MD3 from the directory, import your saber_w.skin, see that the skin is the way you like it, then go to file>export as Ghoul 2(glm), once exported all you need to do is use pakscape to make the pk3 file. First make a new folder, name it models, then in that make weapons2, then in that make saber, then import your texture files, and your saber_w.glm file, save it as a pk3 file(make sure the dropdown menu has pk3 selected and not zip) and save it as (whatever).pk3, replace (whatever) with any name you want. Simply load up JK2, go into a game, and your sabre should work. If the skin doesnt work, make sur all your skin files are sized 512x512. Hope this helps :)


The pack file and a few other sabres were supposed to be up yesterday, apparently he didnt get around to it :(

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Sith Master...does age really matter in these forums?


I think only KNOWLAGE is respected, not age


i only say this because you were obviously taunting at his age


Oh and about Chrono's critque and Shawns skins.... I really cant pick a side. I respect both of you and i will have to stay out of this one....

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