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Problems compiling... GRR!!! Help! Please!


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I have read practically every documentation out there about JK2 model rigging and exporting.


I've successfully built a model around the bones and kept it at just under 3000 polys, capped everything, tagged everything, weighted everything.


I try and compile from assimilate and BAM file failed to import??


I go back and start deleting mesh, start taking chunks out of my file until it started to actually try and compile. Seems like some stuff is not linked right and missing. Okay fixed.


Compile again... it complains again that the XSI failed to import. Dah~~


I got back and start deleting skin modifiers off my meshes until it starts working. Seems like some skin modifiers are causing problems... so I delete those and start weighting from scratch....


I do everything step by step now. I weight mesh with one bone, then I compile and see if it imports. One by one all the way to l_arm. When I add bones to the skin for l_arm it compiles fine. But when I modfy ANY of the envelopes for that arm I get the cannot import error again!!! DOH!!!!!! I can't weight my arm meshes?


The exact error:

XSI import failed, code = 6210 (file 'd:/software/jediknights2/gamedata/base/models/players/nightelf/root.XSI')


What's worse... if I don't weight the arm I get the error saying vertex 27 isn't weighted. Okay not sht but I went to every vertex on the arm and checked... there ISN'T A VERTEX 27....



Okay now WTF. You cannot experience my frustration. I have spent at least 80 hours reading, setting up my model, rigging, backtracking, and debugging the crap out of the max file (up to 29 backup files now). Is my file corrupted or something? You guys can NOT have went through this when making your models.... I'm thinking I did something inherently wrong when I stripped the root.xsi file and now I'm completely screwed.


If this occured to you how did you fix it? I am so angry/frustrated/tired of this... so close yet so far :(


Please help me!!

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The only thing I know is that there is a weighting restriction. Each vertex in the mesh can only have 4 (I think, might be five) bones assigned to it. You might want to see if maybe you have too many bones affecting the same vertexes. Carcass apparently can't handle more than that.

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nope.. :( I'm well aware of the 4 bones limit.


But I run all sorts of tests. I take the arm and I weight it with just one bone. If I change the envelope at all I start getting the error....



GRR I forgot to mention. I'm getting a BonesDef.cpp assertion failiure every time I export the XSI. I don't get that problem with the new versions of the XSI exporter but assimilate doesn't want it.


Anyone get the assertion faliure as well? The Addedum to Tim's modeling tutorial says to ignore it but I think it's causing problems.... I'm not sure. Everything's worked up to the arm.

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I have occaisionally gotten the assertion error, but my models have turned out fine.


I would first suggest applying ResetXForm (utilities tab, resetXform button) to all the parts of your mesh, then collapsing each ones stack back down to editable mesh. Some polys may invert themselves, this is no problem, just go into edit mesh and select the polys and flip them. Now apply the skin modifiers again and start weighting, weight it all to one bone. To do this quickly, simply select all of your mesh and all the tags that need weighting, and apply the skin modfier to all of them at once, select the bone, and manually weight all of the vertices.


Having a single skin modifier spread across the seperate meshes will not affect it in anyway, but I would suggest only doing that for the test. Apply individual skin modifiers to each object for the final weighting.


Export the mesh weighted to one bone and try it out. A lot of the time when you encounter strange problems, it can be fixed by simply applying ResetXForm.

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First, the vertex 27 thing. When I ran across a similar error, it really stumped me. But what happens when you export to .xsi is that all the vertex3es get given different numbers. So the only way to troubleshoot when you get that error is to got to the original .max file, select the pelvis and move the whole thing sideways. Any vertexes not weighted will 'stick'.


As for the Bones.cpp...I've compiled successfully every time I got that error and clicked "ignore this error", as have others, so you'll have to find your problem elsewhere...


As for that assimilate error...wow, I haven't come across that one before :)


Oh, and let me tell you this; we who have modelled before had a much WORSE time of it, as we didn't get these cool tutorials to read :) (well, appart from Spacemonkey's excelent one, for me, that is). Just keep at it and have fun!


Oh, one more thing: be sure to use the correct exporter. I at one point had Ravens exporter and another .xsi exporter I found off the net...you have to use Raven's. It's the one which (I believe) says XSI 3.0 in the export window.


Good luck!

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The exact error: XSI import failed, code = 6210 (file 'd:/software/jediknights2/gamedata/base/models/players/nightelf/root.XSI')


Just a suggestion, use a smaller path (i know there's a restriction on the path's length, but maybe that's not the problem.)


use this dir structure instead:




root.xsi, humanoid.gla, carcass.exe and the .car file should also be placed in there. When compiled, you transfer your .glm into the proper dir.

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