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Clone War campaign help


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The clone war is a vary large camp. that starts with the battle of Geonosis and ends around episode 3. (It was the 60 mission one for those who have heard of it, it is smaller now) It will be complete with cutscenes and a full storyline of both sides. It will be finished but it will go faster with more then 2 people. :) and Corran, post it as a project on the DFD homepage as 2 members are working on it.:) ask anything. And we could use a website and some help with it, and mods, and missions.

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thanks, you have no idea what it means (2 to 5 members in 1-2 weeks, not bad :)) Well As I had said earlier, I hope to have a web page up, in the meantime if anyone has icq my number is 158815662 if you want to help or (as for you two, whom I am very thankfull, can talk about ideas and what there is to do, ect.)

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