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Jedi Numbers

"thA dekMan"

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I hope the game attracts the true role-players and not so much of the "power hungry" element. You know those guys in pen & paper games who must build an invincible warrior to destroy everything he comes across with his bare hands rather than actually play an interesting role and get immersed in the universe.


If it were only "true" role-players involved you could quarantee a Force-sensitive character being played in a true-to-the-movies way whereas he would keep his powers a secret.

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think they said anywhere from like 5% to maybe even 20% to become force sensitive, after becoming sensitive you supposedly train and learn how to be a jedi from there:confused: not a lot is known about the jedi proccess right now


hm, that may be what the Vader bot thing would be usefull for, showing upstart jedi their place...

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well you could create a complex computer simulation taking into account the Earths position relative to the sun and the sun's position relative to the stars and which calculates the posible sates of cloud cover depending on the presipitation and temp among other factors... but that would take months and only be able to show the probablility of any paticular configuration of the night sky :D where was I again, oh yeah tere will be as many jedi as ther will be, no more no less :D

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Is that simulation run on a PC, Mac, or Linux machine? Because I read in an article that Windows based PC's tend to skip stars that don't meet a certain set of galavtic entitity protocal requirements, Mac tend to count aonly certain stars (but with great accuracy), while linux can count all the stars twice as fast as windows with the accuracy of a mac. :D

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The impression I got from the Dev's explanation of their system was that a certain percentage of all characters will develop a sensitivity to the force. This will be the limiting factor, as far as I know they weren't planning a 'Jedi number cap'.


Of course there may be a culling if the number of Jedi gets too high (of course peoples definitions of too high vary). I look forwards to it.


hmm, thinking about it, sod's law dictates that I, the one person who fervently hopes that he isn't force sensitive, becomes it...


that would make things very complicated...

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Let's just say that having 40% of the players being jedi would sort of ruin it it my eyes, since it wouldn't be a reflection of the star wars universe. If I will stumble across twenty jedi on my way to the grocery store, I might, so to say, find less satisfaction in playing the game.

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Key word: "Chance" with no time frame attached. That means that every player between now & infinity could at some point X become a jedi. It's a complex equation to reach X, with many variables, but they are a secret. All you have to do is stumble across it. So there are only a near inifinite array of numbers & equations standing between you and being a jedi. yay.

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Hey all I'm still here!, and anyway why have this conversation it makes no sense...


Facts: NO ONE knows the actually percentage of #'s of who become jedi.


The number will be an organic system and flucuate, the devs had said that if numbers get too high they WILL limit the # of people who can become jedi and if they are too high they will raise the bar.


The movies they are reffering to are between epsidoes 3 and 4.


Lie:Anyone who said devs said that numbers would be at any percent are totallly wrong


Everyone has a chance to become a jedi, NO you have a chance to beomce force sensitive..Then as the devs said it works like any other profession working up it to reach the top.


If you are a role player- or dont give a **** you have a more likely chance to become force sensitive. NO it is TOTAllY random.



Opinon: I think the jedi profession should be chosen at birth with medichloreans. But some would say people would start there characters over untll they get well...If they made it so once you madde char you had to keep if for say 2 weeks....before deleting then it would get rid of most of the problem and you wouldn't even know you had untill you progressed toa certain part of the game and you get some sort of special blood test or something :).


And i wouldn't care if 40% of the game people were jedis.Think about how many people are playing.People true to the game would just keep that safety switch on to protect themselves and most would be hunted by imperial forces so it would limit the jedis anyway.

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