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How do you make hyperspace?


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I've never heard of anyone doing it, but I think it'd be kind of hard. I suppose that the best way to do it would be to create an animated shader/have someone else make it, that looks like hyperspace! Then, texture an inverted cylinder with it, and place your ship in the middle. That'd be pretty cool for a cut scene, I have to say. The only hard part is getting the shader- you'd have to find someone who can do them very well, who'd be willing to do it for you.



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And how do I add that stuff?


I can not even alter a characters stats (though that is another story...) so that I can start with no force level and gain as the level progresses.


Does this require scripting? I can't find these tutorials!

Awww! I'm going insane!


I've already tried to use the different textures to make Hyperspace. I thought it looked cool, and stared about half an hour at it, before I got shoot, and then I discovered I couldn't see!! And I hoped to make a nice little level about it...

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ok. As Rich Diesal told me, to set force powers you must use a script. Simply edit the one in assets0.pk3/scripts/ look in one of the subfolders for start.ibi open in notepad and edit. whew.


Add a target script (I think that's what it's called) by rightclicking in 2d view, then target your info_player_start at the target script by selecting player start, then target script and pressing CTRL+M.


This will make it set those powers on map load. To make your powers raise when you reach a certain point in the level, draw a brush, say in a doorway, texture with system/trigger. with that selected, rightclick in 2d view and choose trigger once (unless you want it to set those force powres again and again-even if you raise them later on!) target that trigger at a target script with ctrl m (select trigger then target)




Quote: And how do I add that stuff?


Cylinder: draw a brush and choose curves>cylinder from the top menu (the other curves will be obvious (patch=a moldable blob lol)) you can resize it like any brush (MAKE SURE TO ENCASE THE CURVE IN 4 BRUSHES AS WALLS just like a hollowed room-because curves arent calculated during a compile and count as thin air in your level)


Invert: This makes it so textures appear on the opposite side to which they origionally did (in your case-you want it inside)


Well that was a long post-I hope you appreciate it :p lol




PS: Hope you get it going. ^_^

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Originally posted by Project_Fusion


ok. As Rich Diesal told me, to set force powers you must use a script. Simply edit the one in assets0.pk3/scripts/ look in one of the subfolders for start.ibi open in notepad and edit. whew.


Add a target script (I think that's what it's called) by rightclicking in 2d view, then target your info_player_start at the target script by selecting player start, then target script and pressing CTRL+M.


This will make it set those powers on map load. To make your powers raise when you reach a certain point in the level, draw a brush, say in a doorway, texture with system/trigger. with that selected, rightclick in 2d view and choose trigger once (unless you want it to set those force powres again and again-even if you raise them later on!) target that trigger at a target script with ctrl m (select trigger then target)




Quote: And how do I add that stuff?


Cylinder: draw a brush and choose curves>cylinder from the top menu (the other curves will be obvious (patch=a moldable blob lol)) you can resize it like any brush (MAKE SURE TO ENCASE THE CURVE IN 4 BRUSHES AS WALLS just like a hollowed room-because curves arent calculated during a compile and count as thin air in your level)


Invert: This makes it so textures appear on the opposite side to which they origionally did (in your case-you want it inside)


Well that was a long post-I hope you appreciate it :p lol




PS: Hope you get it going. ^_^


They released the sp scripts with the second toolset. No need to get into the ibi files that are already there (since those are compiled files). You can open that same script in text format in behaved and suit it to your needs.

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