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Midgit Yoda

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Sorry for the delay guys. These past couple of weeks have been really hectic. Girl trouble, big Networking test on the OSI Model (which I passed today with the highest grade in my class. Only missed 2 questions). Since my OSI model test is finally over, I should have a little time to work on trebor some more. Nearly finished UVMapping but there stills a butt load of work left to do. But I am also concentrating on a girl a lot lately, so you know how that goes :rolleyes: Anyway, I'll try to get him up and going hopefully by Sunday (for my LAN Parties Second Day). I'll let Mariners Skin him and I'm sure he'll do a great job. I'd like to have Trebor in game before I send him out for skinning but god so far I haven't even touched him for a week. But I am officially back from my break.

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OSI? Seven Layer network protocol? Hey, I thought that was dead and buried (at least, that's what i've herad :) ) Please update trebor!! (who by the way, gets killed to, doesn't he? Isn't trebor the guy that tryes to kill Dooku, and gets blasted by JAngO??) Just Wondering...

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Yeah, the good ole 7 Layer network.





3.Network----Adds Header

2.Data Link----Adds Frame

1.Physical----Transfers Bits

That will actually never die. It doesn't represent 7 individual "physical" layers that you can touch. That is the process that your "protocols" on your computers go through in order to transfer Data into Binary bits and then back to Data. It was created back in the stone age (exaggeration lol) by the ISO (International Standardized organization or something) basically just to teach. But it is what your comp does. Anyway, I have 4 or 5 of the latest screens of Trebor made that were before the UVMapping, I am makin a small page to put them all up on at once. I'll post when it is up, Have to do some house work first.

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Well dang it. I've been trying to access my Netfirms account for hours now, it just won't let me in. Let me make another real fast...


T.R.E.B.O.R. Pr0j3X

That's the small site I made for the trebor model. It has all the recent pictures. Even though I sometimes may not post here with the latest news, that will update about once a week. Check it out.

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Guys, I appologize but for a while updates are going to be slow. I just can't sit at the computer and work on Trebor for hours now. The other day I pulled a muscle in my arm so it kills my arm to sit here and work for hours (it would have to be my right one lol). Anyway, I found some errors in my UVM's so I am for the most part re-UVMapping him. Musashi told me how I should weight him so that the cloak works also so that's a BIG help (thanks Musashi). I'll update as frequently as I can.

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Guys! I just completed the greatest 2 days of LAN Party combat ever. Here's the story...

Saturday, I was expecting like 4 or 5 people to come over for a Lan Party I was hosting. Well it started with me and 2 others. Then like 10 more came LOL. I had to go out and buy more Ethernet Cables and 2 more 5 port Hubs. I spent like 200 bucks. It was great though. People wer passed out asleep all over my basement saturday night. And now I'm just getting a chance to clean up the basement (everyone's gone). Anyway, Trebor Will Continue

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Man, this thread has dropped to the second page. Guess that's what happens when you don't post in it for a while. Anyway lets cut to the chase. Sorry I haven't posted for a few days. I've been sick as $hit and busy as Hell. The update for trebor is that I've went back once again and am re UVMapping him to fix the error with his eyes a bit (plus I screwed up the UVM on his head). I hope to have him in game in exactly a week (wed.). Once he's in game Mariners is going to Skin him for me then, team skins and he'll be released (while Mariners is skinning I'll make the bot files and stuff). Anyway I am getting out of here to work on him right now so I'll be back Friday with an update hopefully.

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