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Midgit Yoda

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I have been busy doing other stuff man. I'm beginning to think about dropping this and letting someone else finish it up for me because frankly, I haven't had time to open 3DSMax for about 3 days now. And I don't see any openings any time soon..... It's getting sad. Anyone interested in taking over Trebor, PM me and show me some of your work. All he needs done is, UVMapping (since I re-did a few more things AGAIN!!!!!!), capping, weighting, segmenting, and then of course getting him in game. If you do take over this model, all that I ask is when you export it to an XSI, send me the last save file (completed one) of the .max file so that I can look him over good and that I get credit for remodeling him (almost completely lol). Thanks a bunch people, and I'm sorry that I am so busy. I would love to finish him for you but is seems like the curse of trebor has hit me too. I just can't seem to get time now. It's time to pass him on to another person who will hopefully finish him.....

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Well if someone doesn't want to take over Trebor, then I'm just gonna drop him. I really dislike workin on him for some reason. I do hate to see such a great model go to waste but I am sick to death with him. I'll get so far UVMapping and see another error and be like :swear: then I go back and fix that then UVMap it again. I've re-UVMapped it about a total of 5 times. And it's complicated to UVmap the robe lol. Well like, I said if you're interested PM me. I officially am not working on Trebor anymore.

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NOOOOOOOOOOO! i hate to see trebor go. someone please take over and finish trebor. i would myself but i have no idea about modeling, skinning, or anything like that. please someone finish him for the love of god! i was so looking forward to this excellent model. i will kill myself if he isnt made! (exaggerating).

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Musashi and I have gotten a clean XSI Export of Trebor to go into Softimage (which he is now obsessed with lol). Anyway Musashi is now going to UVMap him for me. After that's done we'll just need someone to weight him cap him and get him through assimilate. And of course get him to Mariners.

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Originally posted by Midgit Yoda

Yeah I don't mind doing all the other stufff but UVMappign makes me want to vommit lol. As for The servo, the link to images and stuff is Here


I did not feel like reading the entire thread, but I could uvwmap/skin it, if that's what needs to be done.

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Well Grafox, I'd be glad to let you UVMap him. Just PM me your Email addy and tell me, do you want it in a .max file or .gmax or what. I appreciate your help grafox.


To the rest of you guys, Musashi is busy with his work and I don't wanna bother him with it (since he can't get it in game with Softimage and he doesn't like UVMapping in 3dsmax). Oh well, Grafox said he would.

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