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ok, try as a may, i CANNOT get this to work - i'm using jedimod 1.2 and v1.04


Matter of fact, I'm not even sure what it's even FOR! lol!


From what I've gathered, with them, in a multiplayer game, you can spawn a completely defined npc... teammates or enemies, specific weapons, etc.... sound about right?


Could someone please enlighten me? What's the point? How do i use these commands?

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you must have mod_debugcheats turned on


then... its hard and long to explain but heres what dest said in his readme file which you should have:


how to use the /g2animent and /g2platoon commands

g2animent takes 7 arguments: type, alignment, weapon, model, sounds, health, and owner number.


here is an example that spawns an ent that looks and sounds like a rodian, has 100 health, is friendly, and has a blaster

/g2animent 3 2 4 models/players/rodian/model.glm sound/chars/rodian/misc 100 0



there are 4 types of animents. 0 spawns a storm trooper, 1 spawns a rodian, 2 spawns a jan, and 3 spawns a custom one.

the rest of the arguments only matter if this is 3, otherwise it sets the model and gun and stuff on its own.



1 = bad

2 = good

8 = creates one that stands still and only attacks bots unless attacked

9 = creates one that attacks everything except its owner (owner set by owner num, the last argument)



0 = none

1 = stun batton

2 = saber (gives them a saber but they cant use it at all)

3 = bryar pistol

... it keeps going in order 13 is the last one

13 = det pack (they dont know how to use it)



the path of the player model

dont put in a bad model or it gets mad.



path to the sounds for that model



the health of the animent



the owner of the animent. If alignment is 9 then it wont attack its owner.




this command is just like /g2animent except it doesn't have a health or owner argument.

it spawns a group of ents.

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I got it to work! Here is the directions along with a script for it:


First as the admin you must turn cheat access on in the server cfg file, the line is....


seta mod_debugcheats "1"


Then set your rcon password and go into your server. In the console type in this:


/rcon cheataccess (your client number, should be 0)




/rcon (your password) cheataccess (your client number, should be 0)


It will grant you the ability to spawn the troopers but will not let anyone cheat.


Now this bind takes two keys. One to select and the other to execute the command. The first line is for a single stormtrooper and the other is for a platoon of troopers.


//Spawn Stormtroopers

set sst "echo SPAWN SINGLE STORMTROOPER; bind (second key here) vstr spawn-sst; set spawn-npc vstr mst"

set mst "echo SPAWN MULTIPLE STORMTROOPERS; bind (second key here) vstr spawn-mst; set spawn-npc vstr sst"

set spawn-sst "g2animent"

set spawn-mst "g2platoon"

set spawn-npc "vstr sst"

bind (first key here) "vstr spawn-npc"


Press the first key to select the number of stormtroopers and the the second key to put them in the game.


You must reset the cheataccess with each map change. Also sometime the storm troopers get "stuck" in the ground and bounce up and down. I find that if you jump high in the air and then spawn them they "land" on the ground around you. Also if you get killed by the stormtroopers you lose a kill in your totals. So make sure everyone knows your about to do this before you do it. Have fun, this is a real riot!


I also posted this in the scripts forum...so I hope everyone will use it!

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