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WIP: Trinity model based on Tavion, will give away to good modeler.

oddjob: A-Team

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I took all of 23 min to take the Tavion model and make this:





All I did was export the Tavion model to Max. Then I cut the torso in half and mirror copied the left side and then reattached it to get the tank top look, then I deleted the left leg and mirror copied the right leg to get a more symetrical boot. Then I deleted the bun and feathers and pushed and pulled some verts on the head.


It could use some more pushing an pulling. And a pair of sunglasses. And a cool shader like the one on Vader's helmet. And some other stuff too, like the belt, etc.


The face could use some pushing a pulling to make it look more like Carrianne Moss, too.


It's free to a modeler that feels like tackling it. You will have to adjust some skin meshes because of me deleting portions, but you should not have to re skin mesh it.


Like I said, FREE. I don't really care because all it took was just a couple of min. to get to that point. It won't take much more to get it to a point where a talented skin artist could make a good Trinity skin. But I am working on Star Wars models only pretty much. Keep an eye out for my completely original Han Solo in Hoth gear model. :)

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That 23 min included the time it took to unpack and import the Jan model, fiddle with it a tiny bit, realize that it wouldn't do and THEN go to Tavion and work on her. Might have been even less.


Here's about 20 more min to add a Neo using the prisoner model:






I didn't do much at all to him. The only thing I did was delete one of the faces and make the bald head into hair in the front.


Again, both are free to a modeler that wants them*. All Neo needs is a decent skin and some holsters to finish him off.






*Sunglasses not included as they are from the HL Trinity model and as such don't belong to me. :)

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I think you missed the point of what OddJob did dreamer, he doesn't want to do any more with them, and willing to pass them off to somebody with the proper skills and desire to work on them more. I could do it, but neither of thoes charecters even remotely intrest me, and it's much more fun to build something from scratch



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That's not a bad idea Kinja. If you are offering, then that can go into the offer too I guess. As it's a very nice skin.


And Toonces hit the nail on the head. I am busy working on my Han Solo model and not all that interested in putting Matrix characters into a Star Wars game. It wouldn't take much to make them more like their real life counterparts. Just a few verts pushed and pulled. They are a nice base to start from though.

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