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How's the pro mod?


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I spent some time yesterday saber dueling (no force) and found that it provides excellent tactical gameplay. Defense is very effective when using blue/stance, better than 1.04 actually, but requires skill to use. You can block everything if you can face into the attacker and the attackers swing. Attacking in blue/stance is primarily for harassment and finishing. The lunge is very powerful now but block-able and seems harder to spam.


Yellow/stance deals a lot of damage quickly and has some defense. This is a good stance to use for most of the fight, as it should be. Blocking with blue/stance then switching to yellow or red for opening attacks works well. However you take damage more quickly if you rely on yellow for defense.


Red/stance kills. Avoid it at all cost. A good hit with red and your dead. It has little defense and is difficult to hit with. Good for surprise attacks from around an obstacle or when your opponent is confused or landing from a high jump.


This is just a basic overview but this is the best version of the game thus far. As a great fan of Raven I have to admit that this is (and is shaping up to be) what the game aught to be. Excellent defensive control balanced against a complex and varied attack system and is as easy to play as the original. Raven should take a serious look at this mod for future reference.

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There's something wrong with the defence... I judge this from seeing how players play... flailing the saber about while moving into position is by far the most effective tactic. Fighting two opponents is impossible because of how defending works. Lag also add to the defending issues. I like the idea but something is wrong... don't know exactly what it is, but defending is the main issue. This is how I see the mod now... I will try to play a few more days and see if the way players play changes.

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There is nothing wrong with defending. In a group of fighters yes death can occur quickly. But as it should. You just have to learn to watch your back a whole lot more because you have no defense back there. In vanilla 1.04 it always seemed to block to some degree.


Flailing about is a quick way to get kills. Why? Because it's an agressive posture. For anyone who knows this mod, a flailing player is just a matter of getting defensive and being more precise with the attacks. In a gropu situation though beware flailers can really get ya if your not watching.


Bottom line is flailing leaves you wide open for anything.

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Just so you guys know, there's going to be a ton of added blocking animations in Beta 2, due out sometime within the week. This is most likely what you've been noticing that seems to be "wrong" with blocking. All the correct effects are still there, so it parries, block, and does knockaways when it should--it's just that some of the accompanying animations aren't showing. The non-attack damage blocks are most of what's missing, along with some other regular blocking animations. All of these will be in Beta 2.

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The animations sound like they will improve the mod greatly but i have another suggestion to improve it. I was wondering if could you could look into including some more visible crosshairs for the mod. I don't know if its only me but i've always hated the jk2 crosshair especially when its red, too often i find myself losing sight of it in the heat of battle (yes i have good vision). I could live with it before but since this mod is so dependant on aim it is VERY important to have an extremely visible crosshair to ensure you can keep track of it at all times, the extra circles in promod do help but i still don't find it visible enough for my tastes. If i had it my way i would change the blurry white crosshair into a more solid white colour and the red part i would change to a bright green or something. I'm not saying you should outright replace the current colours cause i'm sure many people like em the way they are, but perhaps you could add some additional crosshairs for the user to chose from? possibly as a menu option or via the console? or maybe someone could code an RGB crosshair mod similar to Tchouky's RGB saber mod, highly unlikely but would be the bomb. :)

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