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IG-88 Plasma Rifle. Look here:


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Due to a few requests from people wanting me to make the large plasma rifle that IG-88 has, I have went ahead and made it.




I'm going to have HapSlash skin this along with my IG-88 model. He has done a wonderful job fixing up IG-88 for me. :D


Now if you'll excuse me I have to get back to work on getting Solid Snake ingame for Darth Kitty and getting Tom Servo ingame as well. :D

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Originally posted by VampireHunterD

I need to find a way to get this model ingame for JK2. I was planning on it replacing one of the original weapon models, but I don't know exactly how to replace weapon models in JK2. Could anyone direct me to some tutorials on this? I only know how to replace saber-hilts.

same way as if you were replacing any other model.

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Originally posted by Rex_Raptor__

But it looks more for Mohaa than Jedi Outcast:eek:


Doesn't look like any army gun i've ever seen, you did a good job D it looks very much like i remember the gun from my old ig-88 figure, although i swear it was a bit longer than that.

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Bah!:mad: I was too distracted with all the detail I put into the gun and I just realized it was over 2000 polys! Now I'll have to optimize it way down to get it to where JK2 will allow it to go ingame! Damnit! Damnit! Damnit! Damnit! Damnit! Damnit! Damnit! Damnit! Damnit! Damnit! Damnit! Damnit! Damnit! Damnit! Damnit! Damnit!

Now it's gonna look like sh!t when I optimize it!


Stupid me. :( I didn't even bother paying attention to the polygon limit.:(


Well there's your update. Just wave your pitchforks and torches and I'll clumsily stalk my way back for now.:(


*EDIT*:Of course, if I were to rebuild some parts on it I might be able to fix it without having to use the optimize option. I think I can fix it that way. Just hold your pitchforks and torches back for right now.

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