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Team Yoda's Yoda model

Jay Jay

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I just downlaoded the Team Yoda's Yoda model and I can't figure out how to get yoda smaller. The way he is now he's bigger than the other characters so what do i need to do. This may have been a thread before but I couldn't find it any help would be appreciated.

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But I thought that you had to put in codes in the pk3 or something like that for it to work I am using Jedimod v2 so I don't think that is it either. Or you had to put command codes somewhere on the file to make him get smaller. ????????

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No no, as I understand it the model should resize automatically on servers which have enabled use of the /size command, but it won't on servers that don't allow you to use it (I personally think the small models a bit of a cheat because they are too short to hit most of the time)

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Ok thanks but I have been trying to run it on an Lan network connection. And when playing in that way he isn't small. I have been using Jedimod v2 and that doesn't help how do I personally set it up so that I can get him to be smaller.


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Why dl him? Because I've been having lag spike problems and I wondered if something about this very common model caused problems if you didn't have it installed.


It made no difference, and even before I installed the model I suffered from tiny Kyles instead on tiny Yodas. You don't need to model to suffer from that problem.

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