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Kyp Durron v2.0


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Mike Cantwell here to tell you that I finished the second version of my original Kyp Durron skin. I addressed numerous problem people had with his appearance; hes has brown hair with a jedi ponytail. Personally I think its my best work. I sent the file to every Jedi Outcast file site including JediKnightII.net but nobody uploaded it yet (been a week already). If anybody wants the skin, tell me and ill send it to you via email. Just make sure you post your email in your request. I'll try to post up some screens too.

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Heh. thnx man. Well your kinda right about the goatee thing. Now that i look at it it kinda looks out of place. I though it made him look like a punk but he kinda looks like hes a lounge lizard. I'll try to fix it in a future version. As for the hair. I think I'll try to give him long hair all over next time.

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