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Original thread: http://www.aotctc.org.uk/forums/cgi-bin/ikonboard.cgi?s=3d601ec01c81ffff;act=ST;f=4;t=295

Nice Render: http://www.aotctc.org.uk/images/screenshots/AT-TE4.jpg


well there she is, hope you like:) i used Rhino 3D to model it, expect an up date tonight. i highly recomend Rhino 3D if your a Beginner its very easy to learn, except you cant animate with it:mad: hopefully a later version will have that feature, or perhaps theres a plugin for that. get it at: http://www.rhino3d.com/




P.S. im no skinner, so any help would be appreciated, and if anyone knows a good tutorial for PS or PSP 7 please tell me were to find em.

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DUDE, Please use better lighting, or just use the default global illumiation. Your not trying to pitch you image to a client, so don't attempt dynamic lighting. I like what you have so far, but I can't see what you have done with the legs. I also recommend you change the background to a grey or white with the object on a plane thats set to matte.

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okay i used a very good refrence pic from LA so every thing is as it should be, please read the original thread for additional info, it will be fully animated, aswell it will have part of the interior to walk around in, and you will be able to fire the main gun, it is intended for the AOTC TC to be used in part of a mission, so it will walk around and fire at enemy npc's. ill put up some more renders later today.



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well i guess i should of said "everything is as it should be(or going to be)" cuase it is still in the works, im still tring to find refrence pics of the interior, and im still going to add onto and perhaps redo stuff that im not happy with, so in a scence everything is as it should be, but i don't think some parts are done well enough.



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